chapter twenty-three

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Blakelyn's POV:

"Stop Harry." I chuckled as he kissed down my neck. "I missed you. I haven't seen you in forever." He said against it, rubbing the small of my back. I bit my lip and looked at the twins. Christian was sitting up and playing with his blocks. Trevor was laying on his stomach and chewing on a teething ring. "It's only been a few weeks." I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes playfully. "You love to ruin beautiful moments." He sighed dramatically before picking up the boys.

They both cooed and I smiled. "Have you thought about what to do for their first birthday?" Harry asked and I shook my head. They will be turning one year old in five weeks. They are really starting to develop little personalities and it's really upsetting. "I'll just wait until it gets closer to the week of it. I'll probably just do a party here or at your place." I said to him. He nodded.

"So I was looking at apartments for sale." He said to me and I nodded. "Did you find any?" I asked him. "Yeah, I found two. I called the people to see if we could tour it. They said we'll be able to tour tomorrow." He said and I nodded, smiling. "We're finally getting our own place. Isn't this exciting?" I asked him and he nodded. "We're going to have our own place with daddy." I smiled at the twins and they cooed.

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