chapter nine

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Life with The Taylor Twins:

Chapter Nine:

Blakelyn's POV:

"Blakey?" I heard ryan say as I opened my eyes slightly. "What buddy?" I mumbled sleepily. "Are you and harry going to take me school shopping?" He asked. I nodded and looked up at him. Some of his hair was sticking onto his forehead and his cheeks were a rosy pink. "If harry has to work, can me and you go together?" I asked him and he nodded. "Are you going to take Trevor and Chris?" He asked, looking at the two newborns sleeping. "We can." I said to him. He nodded and laid down beside me. I turned the tv on and turned it to PBS Kids. He laid on the bed beside me and paid attention to Sesame Street. I got up when Trevor started to cry and picked him up. "It's ok baby, I'll feed you." I said before bouncing him and walked down the stairs. "Hey mom." I smiled at her as I grabbed two bottles from the fridge. "Hey Blake, how was the water park yesterday?" She asked as I sat at the table with her. "It was good. Ry has a lot of fun." I said and began to feed Trevor. "Morning baby girl." My dad said and kissed the top of my head. "Good morning dad." I smiled at him and looked down at Trevor. I watched as he sucked the milk from his bottle. "Were they good yesterday?" I looked at my mom. "They were great. They didn't cry that much." She said and I smiled. When Trevor finished eating, I laid him in his bouncer and turned it on. I walked up the stairs and grabbed two diapers, the twins' clothes, and Christian. "Cmon Ry." I said to him as he crawled out of my bed and turned the tv off.

"They're little." Ryan said as I finished dressing the twins and put them in their car seats. "Yeah, soon they'll be big like you." I smiled and took off his pajamas. I helped him put on his coral shorts and buttoned up his blue and white plaid short sleeved shirt. I slipped on his blue TOMS and fixed his hair. I stood up and threw the dirty clothes in the hamper. I grabbed my baby bag and put bottles, diapers, Ryan's tablet, and other things I would need in it. "Do you need help?" Jacob asked before flipping his hair. "Yeah, would you like to come with us?" I asked him. "Yeah, I need to get out of the house." He said and picked up ryan. "Yay!" Ryan smiled as we all walked outside.

I parked in Target's parking lot and turned the car off. "I'll get the shopping cart while you get them out." Jake said before getting out. "Do you know how to unbuckle?" I asked Ryan and looked at him. He nodded and unbuckled himself. "Good job." I smiled and unhooked Trevor and Christian's car seats as Jake walked over with a shopping cart. Jake helped ryan out of the car and sat him in the red plastic sitting area. He hooked him in and I put the twins' car seats in the cart. I pushed the cart inside and took out Ryan's supply list from my purse. "What kind of bookbag do you want?" I asked him as we walked there first. "Cars or Ninja Turtles!" He smiled and looked at the brightly colored school bags. I unhooked him and let him explore the boy bookbags. I watched as he picked up several bookbags and attempted to put them on his head. I laughed and looked at Jake. "Go help your younger brother."

I walked back from the McDonald's bathroom with Ryan and Christian. I put Chris' car seat on the bench and sat down. Ryan sat in front of me and I handed him his tablet. I looked at my phone to see harry texted me

from: bae❤️
to: cutie😍😍
I'm so bored :(

to: bae❤️
from: cutie😍😍
I'm sorry bby :( maybe you can come over after

from: bae❤️
to: cutie😍😍
I will, where are you guys now??

to: bae❤️
from: cutie😍😍
mickey d's

from: bae❤️
to: cutie😍😍
sounds good right now, I haven't eaten yet

to: bae❤️
from: cutie😍😍
want me to bring you some?

from: bae❤️
to: cutie😍😍
if you want

to: bae❤️
from: cutie😍😍
I'll ask jake

Someone placed the tray down and I looked up to see Jake sitting down beside ryan. "A bacon clubhouse burger and medium fry with a medium dr. Pepper." Jake handed me my order. "Thanks." I smiled and ate a fry. He handed ryan his happy meal and helped him open the box. "I had a fun day with you two." I said while I bit into my sandwich. "I had fun too. It beats just going to the park and playing basketball with whoever's there." He said and bit into his Big Mac. "Did you have fun?" I asked ryan and he nodded. "Lots!" He smiled. I smiled too and continued eating.

Jake helped me take the twins' car seats out and I sat them on the living room floor. Jake carried Ryan to his room and I put his school supplies in my room. I took the twins upstairs and laid them in their crib. I took off my sandals and laid on my bed and turned the tv on. I miss hanging out with my brothers like I did today, I need to spend more time with them.

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