chapter twenty-four

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Blakelyn's POV:

I tucked my red and black plaid shirt into my skinny jeans and looked at the twins. They were sitting on my bed, playing with their toys. "Ready to go to the apartment?" I asked them. They both cooed when I picked them up and carried them downstairs. "You look cute." Harry smiled at me when i stood in front of him. "Thanks." I blushed and handed Trevor to him. "Ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded before we walked outside.

"This is really nice." I smiled at Harry, looking around. The apartment complex we were looking at was very close to Harry's job and my parents' house. "And it's in budget." He said and I nodded. I watched Trevor and Chris crawling around and thought about life with Harry. It's crazy how just last year I was joking around with Tori and now I'm the parent of twin boys. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, just thinking." I smiled. He nodded. "I'll put the first down payment on the apartment and then we'll move in when I'm done with school." He smiled. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you." I looked up at him. "I love you too." He lightly pecked my lips.

"You're moving in with Harry?" Tori asked me as she sat on the foot of my bed. "Yeah." I smiled. "It's going to be next year though." She nodded and held Trevor in her lap. "I want to help you decorate." She smiled and I laughed. "Of course." Trevor crawled out of her lap and went to his twin. "What are you going to do for their birthday?" She asked me. "I want to do a superhero birthday for them. I don't want to do something that everyone does." I said to her and she smiled. "That is such a cute birthday theme." "I know! I'm so excited for it." I smiled and looked at my twins who were giggling at each other. I love the boys so much.

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