chapter fourteen

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Blakelyn's POV:

After we left the vintage store, we continued to walk in the quaint downtown. "I wonder how the twins are doing." I said to Harry as we sat on a bench in front of a fountain. "I know they're fine. This is why I took you out here so that you can relax." He said to me and i nodded. "Plus they're with your mom and dad. They're good grandparents." He reassured. "Tonight I still want to webcam them. I miss my mommy and daddy." I pouted playfully as Harry chuckled and lightly pecked my lips.

"You know how to drive a boat?" I asked Harry as he put on one of his tank tops. He's taking me out boating and tubing with one of his friends and his girlfriend. "Yeah, my dad taught me the last time I came out here." He put on his sunglasses. I walked out of the bathroom wearing a black bikini top with a leopard print flouncy cover and black bikini bottoms. I put my hair into a messy bun. "I like your swimsuit." Harry smirked as I put on my flip flops. "Thanks." I blushed and picked up my bag. "Ready?" I asked him and he nodded, grabbing the cooler and walking outside. We got into Harry's jeep and drove to where the boats docked at to see his friend and his girlfriend getting the boat ready. Harry parked and I got out along with him. "Andre!" Harry smiled and waved to a light skinned guy that about to put on his dark colored life vest. "Sup, this must be Blakelyn?" He asked looking at me. I nodded and nodded as he shook my hand. "My girlfriend, Neva, is getting the cooler from the truck." He said to me, pointing over to his red dodge truck. A girl with curly brown hair walked down the hill with a large red cooler on her shoulder. "Hey Harry." She smiled and he waved. "This must be Blakelyn." She said and I nodded. "Nice to meet you." I smiled and she smiled back. "Ready to get on the boat?" Andre asked and we nodded. I climbed onto the back of the boat and I sat beside Harry on the little chairs. Andre turned the motor on and he started to drive.

"Cmon Blake, I'll go with you." Neva said, climbing onto the two person inflatable that was attached to the back of the boat. "It's not that scary." Harry reassured me and I nodded, carefully climbing onto it. She smiled and laid on it. I followed her lead and laid beside her. Andre started to move the boat forward and the inflatable we were on moved with it. Every twist and turn Andre took made our inflatable catch air with the waves he created. I laughed with Neva as we got high in the air. Soon Andre stopped and the adrenaline got lower. "It was fun wasn't it?" Neva asked and I nodded. "Very fun." I smiled.

"Harry, let's video chat with my mom!" I yelled to him before sitting on the couch with my laptop on the coffee table. I tied my hair up with a hair bow before signing into my Mac's FaceTime. I grabbed my phone and went into my messages

to: jake from state farm 💩
are you at home with mom and dad?

from: jake from state farm 💩
yeah why?

to: jake from state farm 💩
I want to FaceTime

from: jake from state farm 💩

My FaceTime started to ring a few minutes later and I looked on my laptop to see my mom's beautiful face. "Hi mommy!" I smiled as Harry sat beside me. "Hey babe, how are you?" She asked me. "Good, Harry and I went boating today." I smiled. "That's good, I'm glad you're having fun. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." She smiled back. "Me too. I can't wait to see my babies either." "They're doing great. They haven't cried a lot and they are sleeping through the night." "That's good, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled. "Ok! Bye you two." She waved as I blew her a kiss and ended the chat.

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