chapter twenty-six

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Blakelyn's POV:

I heard the babies crying so I got up and walked towards their room. "What's the matter?" I pouted when I turned the light on. Trevor was standing up in his crib with tears running down his chubby cheeks. "What's wrong my love?" I walked over to him and picked him up, kissing his cheek. I picked up Christian before putting them both on the ground. I grabbed two diapers and the wipes before sitting by them. "Morning babies." I smiled as Trevor crawled over to me, putting his knees on my crossed legs. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him all over his face. He giggled and squealed as I laid him on the floor. I unzipped his pajamas and changed his diaper. I did the same to Christian as they squirmed around. "Ready for breakfast?" I asked them before standing up and picking them up.

"Good morning Ry." I smiled at him as I sat the babies in their high chairs. "Morning Blake, morning babies." He giggled before eating more of his cereal. I cut up a banana and gave it to the twins before making some instant oatmeal. I pulled a chair in front of them before feeding them one at a time. "When does school start?" I asked Ryan. "Two weeks." He smiled. "Are you excited?" I asked him and he nodded. "Mom, do you mind if Harry comes with us while we go school supply shopping?" I asked her and she shook her head. "It's fine." She said before sitting beside Ryan. I finished feeding them the oatmeal and I wiped their mouths. "They eat a lot huh?" mom asked as I fixed myself a bowl of cereal. I nodded. "It's like they don't eat enough. In an hour, they're going to be crying for a bottle." I chuckled and she did too.

Ryan, Harry and I went towards bookbags while Harry helped him get the perfect one. "Is it hard finding the right one?" I asked him and he nodded, looking at all the characters from Pikachu to Ninja Turtles to Paw Patrol. "I want this one!" He smiled and pointed to the one with The Avengers. "Good choice." Harry smiled and put it in the cart. "Now let's get your supplies." I said, handing him the list. He nodded before walking over to Harry and holding his hand. I smiled and watched him as we walked over to the supplies. The babies started to whimper so I grabbed their bottles and handed them to them. They started drinking as Harry helped him find what he needed.

"How's your milkshake?" I smiled at Ryan as he looked at me with chocolate ice cream all over his mouth. "Good." He smiled, making us all laugh. We stopped at our local Five Guys for dinner. "How are the babies?" Dad asked me as they sat in high chairs and nibbled on the fries we gave them. "Good, they seem to enjoy the fries." I smiled at them, biting into my hamburger. He smiled and nodded before eating his hamburger. "Are you going to come with me to their doctor's appointment tomorrow?" I asked Harry and he nodded. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." He smiled and kissed my temple.

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