Rosy Cheeks [Yanfei x Hu Tao]

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Hu Tao POV: 

Aiya~ another day another slay, I lock up the parlor for the day "bye gramps! Have fun with the ginger fatui guy~" I say with a smug grin as Zhongli rolls his eyes at me. Pfft... no fun. I begin walking a few paces until I see a familiar lawyer, a cute one at that, "do you have any more evidence Ms Qilan?" Yanfei asks an elegant looking lady, "yes! Have a look at this!" the lady shows Yanfei files and videos, I watch as she nods along. Yanfei and I were close friends, she would always see the good in me and listen to me whenever I had something to say, despite my usual confidence, I couldn't quite muster enough to tell her that I had feelings for her. Yanfei finishes up the case and waves goodbye to the lady, I tip-toe closer to her, my hands outstretched ready to scare her, "Hu Tao I can s-" Yanfei unexpectedly turns around. My heart leapt up to my throat as our faces were only a few inches apart, her face goes light pink as she gently shoves me away, "Hu T-Tao..." she says quietly, I was speechless for a second, what just happened? I quickly regained my composure, "oya? Is somebody flustered, hmm~?" I twirl my hair teasingly, her face gets redder and she turns away embarrassed. After a brief moment of silence, she looks up at me with those pearly emerald green eyes, "s-so um... how was things at the parlor today?" she asks, "fufu~ gramps got a big scare today, guess how I did it?" I say excitedly clasping my hands together, "you...jumped out from behind a plant?" she guesses, I shake my head "nope! I had fake blood on my face and I hung upside down like a bat just outside his room" Yanfei chuckles softly, "aye... poor old Zhongli..." I give her a cheeky smile and shrugs. 

Later Yanfei heads off to a meeting with the lady earlier to confront the man who divorced her and took her money, "byebye~ don't die while doing it~" I call as she dashes away, a small shadow darts past at the corner of my eye, I turn to see a familiar small zombie girl running. A smug grin spreads across my face, I quickly grab my shovel that was leaning against the wall and run after her, "ah... Hu Tao is scary... I despise Hu Tao..." she says between a few breaths, the chase leads the two of us just outside the main gates of Liyue Harbor, I make a lunge towards her scooping her up into the air, "gotcha~! Finally!" I say triumphantly, Qiqi has a worried expression on her face. I dig a small hole near the city gates and carefully place her inside, I fill the hole up until it's just her head poking out of the soil, I look at my masterpiece in satisfaction, "ahh~ beautiful!" I write her name on a small piece of wood and presses it into the ground next to her, I dust off my hands and walk off proudly. "Ah thank you, thank you Yanfei!" the lady thanks Yanfei profusely as the mora was retrieved, and the man was charged and given punishment, "all in a days work!" Yanfei gives the lady a warm smile as she heads off. Yanfei notices me staring, "ah Hu Tao!" she gives me a bright smile, the sun was shining on her hair making it look sleek and soft, a peachy blush dances across her face, my bottom lip trembles, how is she so cute...? After a few moments, I realise that I still haven't responded, "h-hey how was the case?", Yanfei gives me a confused look before telling me about the case between the two ex-lovers. 

"So... Ms Qilan is one of the new merchants here at the harbor, she was originally born in Fontaine, she came to Liyue about 2 years ago and married one of the sailors here called Chaoxi, it wasn't until a few days ago she found out Chaoxi was in a relationship with many other women in Liyue, lets just say... the break-up was hectic, Chaoxi was in debt and was only with Ms Qilan for mora, so he robbed her in the dead of the night..." I listen intently, this Chaoxi guy sounds like a bitch. After Yanfei finishes her story, I start asking questions, I notice her face getting redder whenever I make hand gestures or whenever I change my tone, she raises her hand a little, "um Hu Tao..." I stop abruptly, "hm is there a problem?" she looks down shyly, "it's just..." she trails off, she grabs my hand and leads me to a quieter spot. My hand shivers at her touch, it was warm and gentle... like a newly hatched dove, "w-well... you've been the best friend and support I could ever ask for, you always take off my stress after a long day and I-I've started to develop feelings for you..." she avoids my glance, I felt all the blood rushing to my head, "you don't have to return my feelings, it's p-probably just me being stupid..." I quickly grab her hands and pin her to the nearby wall. Yanfei lets out a small squeak, "huh?! Hu Tao?!" she says surprised, my ruby red eyes glow brighter than the sun as I lean in close, my lips just shy of her ear, "I love you too my silly lawyer..." I say in a playful tone. I could feel her pulse against my hands as my fingers were still tightly wrapped around her wrist, her cheeks were rosy red as she looks at me so full of love. 

"Why don't we... head back to Wangshu Inn for a meal and then... we could have a little fun~?" I say suggestively, her face goes an even deeper shade of red (if that was even possible), she nods slowly. I take her hand and begun to walk towards Wangshu Inn, a few minutes into the walk, Yanfei quickly adjusts her grip on my hand, interlocking our fingers together, squeezing my hand gently. I glance at her sideways, giving her a small smile, "hehe~" Yanfei smiles brightly. Soon, the inn slowly comes into view, the two of us take the elevator upstairs, "well here we ar-" I begin but was cut off, someone suddenly jumps out from behind the door, "BOO!!!" I scream loudly and fall over on Yanfei, she quickly supports me, stopping me from falling on the ground. The figure laughs loudly, it was Zhongli, he was wearing Xiao's mask and a black cloak, "hahaha got you director~" he says cheekily, I start whacking his ass like a crazy person "grrrr not funny gramps!" I yell, Yanfei chuckles while watching on the sidelines. A few minutes later, Smiley Yanxiao calls us down to the seats just near the kitchen, we were also joined by the Conqueror of Demons, he did not say a word throughout the entire meal, he simply nibbled idly at his plate of almond tofu and leaving in a puff of smoke. The rest of us sipped tea and devoured the Dragon Beard Noodles, I made loud slurping noises as I sucked the noodles into my mouth, "too loud director..." Zhongli mutters under his breath, I ignore the comment and finish the noodles in my way. 

It was late into the evening when we finish, so Zhongli offered a room for Yanfei to stay for the night, I insisted on having her sleep in the spare bed in my room, which he reluctantly agreed to. "Yoohoo! Yanfei! Come on!" I open the door for her, she heads in, my room was decorated with fake spiders and tombstone stickers. I shut the door behind me and lock it, just in case, "now..." I say in a suggestive tone, "we can have a little fun~" a smug grin spreads across her face, she slides her hands into my hair and presses her lips into mine, at first I was a little caught off guard but quickly wrapped my arms around her waist and kissing her back, the kiss gets more intense as she pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. Both of our hats fall to the ground, soon, the two of us were rolling around on my bed. Kissing, hugging, biting each other... "Y-Yanfei can I..." I gesture at her body, she raises an eyebrow, "as much as I would love to... lets take things slow, alright~?" she says softly, I make a pouting face "shame~" I mumble under my breath. Soon the two of us fall asleep in each others arms, all I knew... was we both had smiles on our faces. 

The next morning Yanfei and I were taking a stroll around the city, "I know right it's crazy!" I say as she tells me another story, *bonk* an empty medicine jar hits me in the head, I turn around "wha-" then even more medicine jars hit me, I cover my head and crouch down low as a whole avalanche of medicine jars strike me, Yanfei tries to block the medcine jars with her hands, after a while it stops, I look down to see we were ankle deep in medcine jars. I look up to see Baizhu with Qiqi in his arms, dirt stains Qiqi's clothes, "now nobody bullies my little Qiqi..." Baizhu says sternly, I laugh "aiya loosen up~" I clean up the medicine jars before taking Yanfei to a special spot behind the funeral parlor, there was a silk flower, pyro energy glows around it, "wow did you grow this yourself?" Yanfei asks as she warms her hands with it, "yeah I named it after you.....-" Yanfei smiles warmly, "...your rosy cheeks whenever I'm around~" I say cheekily, as if on cue, Yanfei's face goes red and she buries her face into my chest, "stop..." her voice was all muffled. I stroke her hair gently, "可爱~" (Cute~)  I whisper softly into her hair, "you too..." she says softly. Fufu~ she's my silly lawyer.

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