Ahhhhh! [Yanfei x Hu Tao]

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Note: Thank you all for your wonderful ideas! I'll try my best to write all of them! 

Requested by: lunill-

Yanfei POV: 

The warm Liyue sun wraps itself around my body embracing me tightly, "so in section 36a you are required to provide your personal details to your lawyer, such as your name, date of birth, age, address, gender, ethnicity..." I flick through my book memorising the laws. I get so lost in thought, what was allowed to do? What wasn't allowed to do? What were my rights? A pair of arms embrace me from behind, "YAAAAAHOOOOO!!!" I nearly jump out of my skin, "Hu Tao! Oh my god!" I place a hand on my heart, feeling the fast vibrations *boom boom boom* Hu Tao smirks "aw shame it wasn't effective enough... anyways this criminal has just been killed as he was sentenced to death and the family had one request, it was for him to be sent to the realm of the spirits, I even got paid extra so will you come with me Yanfei?" she asks with hopeful eyes, I shudder at the idea. I wasn't a big fan of things concerning death and all those creepy what not nonsense, but this was my girlfriend so I reluctantly agreed. Hu Tao drags over a huge wooden coffin, she strains greatly, the slight scent of blood could be detected in the air "alright off to Wuwang Hill we go! Yanfei can you carry the candle for me?" she points at a candle with black wax, there were crow skulls decorated on the candle stand, I use two fingers and pinch the handle, I don't want to touch any of the skulls... what did I sign up for? Our feet touch on the moist grass of Wuwang Hill, the skies immediately darken and the sinister vibe sinks in, "c-can we make this quick?" I clasp my hands and the candle close to my chest, my eyes looking around nervously. Hu Tao laughs "there's no 'making it quick' when doing a ritual babe" she approaches a wooden hatch and waves the surrounding mist away, it looked real shady... spiderwebs covered the entrance like a blanket, "yuck I don't remember there were so much spiderwebs last time..." she mutters to herself as she grabs a stick and twirls the spiderwebs onto it, similar to how cotton candy is made. 

Hu Tao pushes the coffin in first before she and I enter together, I hold her hand tightly... I had no idea what to expect. The inside was sort of like cave that someone could of lived in years ago, it was quite dark and the sound of water dropping from above and landing into the small stream below was the only thing we heard, the only source of light were the glow worms and fireflies that currently live in this place, "so um... where exactly do we perform this ritual?" I ask as we begin walking across the rickety old bridge, it wobbles and jolts under our weight. "You'll see!" Hu Tao says confidently as she strides forward, pushing the coffin along the path. We reach a small waterfall, "oh dear I guess we'll have to swim!" she says and prepares to lower the coffin down, I grab her arm to stop her. "Woah woah woah... swim?" I say stunned, this was getting more and more ridiculous by the second, she nods and looks at me as if I was the crazy one, "well at least let me go down first then you can lower the coffin down and then you come down, just to be safe" I say firmly. The waterfall was only about 2 metres high so it wasn't hard to jump down from the top, I yelp as the cold water bites at my ankles, the water rushes past my feet rapidly, the candle was somehow still dry. I set the candle down on a nearby rock that was quite flat and high enough to not allow any water to touch it, "lower it down!" I yell, Hu Tao slowly lowers the coffin down, I take it and with much difficulty, put it down and holding it upright as Hu Tao gets down. "You know what would make this easier?" she asks with a cheeky grin, I look at her confused, Hu Tao places the coffin flat on top of the water and she sits on it, "come on!" she says beckoning me over, I grab the candle, "darling are you sure that's-" she nods and drags my hand, "absolutely! Now hold on!" Hu Tao pushes off the rock kerb and the coffin whizzes down the stream like a boat, I frantically wrap my arms around Hu Tao's waist as she yells in delight, the sound of her voice echoing throughout the eerie cave.

The bottom of the coffin gently bumps on the rocks, the two of us get off and Hu Tao pushes the coffin forward into an empty space full of jars, "now what?" I say looking at the jars, they seem to be alive as mysterious substances swirl and dance in the jars. Hu Tao picks one up and smashes it on the ground, the mysterious substance engulfs the entire room making it impossible to see, when it cleared, Hu Tao and I weren't in the same cave as before, it was a bright scenery, the big bright sun shone in the sky, the sky dyed pink, orange and yellow, the branches of the weeping willows and cuihua trees dance in the gentle breeze. This place reminded me of a mixture of the mountains in Minlin and Sal Terrae, there was a big stone platform in the middle of this place, the stairs and surrounding bushes were enshrouded with fog, Hu Tao sets the coffin down and opens the lid, "Eeek! Hu Tao, what the fuck..." I yelp and cover my eyes and I saw the dead man, "don't worry this is part of the ritual" she says simply as she waves many bracelets with strange symbols on them over the cadaver and lights up the candle, placing it on top of the cadaver, "♪ pyre pyre let your flames grow, consume this cadaver to it's core, bring it to the land of the dead, and take away these poor remains~ ♪" Hu Tao sings softly and in an ominous tone. Suddenly, jets of golden elemental energy swirl from the skies above and swallow the man whole, "it's working! I did i-" Hu Tao was cut short as a wave of blue elemental energy hits the two of us, shrill beeping sounds could be heard and my eyes were blurring, I stagger towards Hu Tao trying to reach her, "H-Hu Tao..." I saw her clutching her head as if she was in pain before I passed out. 

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