ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈
𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒈𝒐 𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏.



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"Hello love / darling".

my eyes widen as i turn around and saw Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange. Hermione look at me worriedly while i glare at them wanting nothing more than to wipe that stupid smirk off their face.

" what do you want? Why did you two even come here!?" i ask feeling frustrate. The elder Lestrange look at me "Do we not have the right to visit our future wife?" those words make me froze. Wife? Those bastard!.
"I am not your wife!" "yet love,you are not our wife yet." i look at Rabastan and sigh knowing they were right.

"Ambre..." i look at Hermione who was still worried. "Its nothing Mione you can go." i say softly as she hug me and leave.

" i say softly as she hug me and leave

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Me and my brother enter Dumbledore's office. I look at him seeing those stupid twinkle in his eyes making me want to hex him.

"My boys! May I ask why are you both here?" he ask with a raise brow.
"First its Lord Lestrange and Lord Chatiment to you professer Dumbledore." i smirk at my brother's words. "Right i apologize for that mistake."

"For your question, we are here to discuss about Ambrosia." i say and saw his eyes lighting up. Soon enough i will make sure you die a painful death old man.

"Ah okay! Then do sit down." i sit down with my brother.

"We want to talk about her heirdom." as those words left my lips, we saw Dumbledore's face go pale. His face brough a feeling of satisfaction making me smirk delightly.

"A-ah yes what about it? I supose that she will be the lady of your houses which mean that your future heirs will be the one to inherite the Potter fortune."

Rabastan sigh feeling annoyed yet happy."Yes they will. Once she come and live with us, she will have her title as Lady Potter Lestrange nee Chatiment."was the words Rabastan say making me smirk at that thought.

"Y-Yes that naturally right" Dumbledore say looking pale. His face brought happiness to me, did that old man really think that we will let him control our woman? He must be dreaming.

"Anyway i supose we should take our leave. Let's go brother" i followed my younger brother as he left Dumbledore's office.

 Let's go brother" i followed my younger brother as he left Dumbledore's office

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Me and my older brother left Dumbledore's office feeling satisfied. I can't wait to my little kitten with me..well us. Ambrosia Potter made me feel something i never did and i will make sure that its stay like that forever after she is Our soulmate.


The brothers walk toward Ambrosia while she talk to Hermione Granger.
Rabastan and Rodolphus did not seem to care about the muggle born and keep their eyes on Ambrosia.

"Hello love/darling" was the words the brothers finally said with a smirk.

Ambrosia eyes widen and she turn around and saw Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange and Hermione look at her worriedly while she glare at them wanting nothing than to wipe off those smirk off their faces.

"What do you want? Why did you two even come here!?" she ask feeling frustrate.Rodolphus look at her "Do we not have the right to visit future our wife?" those words made her froze."i am not your wife!" "yet love,you are not our wife yet." Ambrosia look at Rabastan and sigh knowing they were right.

"Ambre...?" Hermione mutter softly worried for her best friend."it's nothing Mione, you can leave" Ambrosia said with the same soft tone as she hug Hermione. Hermione glance a last time at her sister in all but blood and leave.

Rabastand and Rodolphus watched them and direct their attention back on Ambrosia."what were you two doing here? Other than 'visiting me'." Rabastan chuckle at her sarcastic tone and reply with a boyish grin "we were talking to Dumbledore little kitten" Ambrosia look at him while crossing her arms "do not call me kitten Châtiment." she said using his family name.

"Whatever you say little kitten" he smirk with delight at her annoyed face.

"You will have to get use at the idea of us given you nicknames Princess" Rodolphus say while looking at her.

"I don't have or want to get use to anything with you two!" she said annoyed but calmly at the brothers.

Rabastan lower his head near her head and whisper darkly "quiet the attitude little kitten or.." "or what?!" Ambrosia resort."or you won't like the outcome of it" he chuckle darkly sending chill down her spines.

"We will see you again soon My princess" was the last things Rodolphus said as he walk out the great hall with Rabastan leaving a nervous and worried Ambrosia.

"This is hell" is the only things Ambrosia could think.


Hii :) i am sorry for the late chapter i was busy with school!

how are you doing??
I hope you like it!

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