ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12

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I look at Mione who was sitting with me and the Slytherin. Weeks have passed and tomorrow I will have to go and live with the Lestranges. Sigh.

" Where will you guys sleep  tonight? I mean since Hermione's parents.. forgot about her and you Ambrosia live with your muggles family. I don't really think that you two will go to the muggle world and come back here tomorrow...will you?" Theo ask curiously and i notice that Mione flinch about the subjet of her parents so i lay my hand on hers while the others were worried about it.

i feel happy knowing that there are people that care about my Miones well-being unlike others who care only about her for my fame, i hate that people tried to used her. She is my sister in all but blood, i won't let anyone hurt her.

"We will live at the Potter Manor." i smile and lean back watching Mione reading her book.

" Does this mean that Mione will live there even after you leave?" I pout when Diana use the 'Mione' since she adopted the nickname i created. That my nickname for her hmfp!

Mione chuckle and i nod. "Yes she will." After that all of us start doing our own things. Theo, me and Mione were reading, Blaise was sleeping on Daphne's lap while Diana and her were talking about fashion.


Me and Mione finally arrive at the Potter manor. I smile widely while Mione'eyes were in aww style making me chuckle.

We enter and Mione start looking around. What can i say? My ancestors have good  taste in furniture.

"Miky!" I call out and my house elf appear.

" What can Miky do for beautiful mistress!" She say cheerfully.

"Can you show Mione's room? And she will also be the mistress just like me. When i will leave tomorrow, she will be in charge of the Manor. Make sure to inform the others.." I say whike smiling at Mione.

"Yes beautiful Mistress!" She reply taking Mione upstairs and i follow. I enter my room, laying my king size bed and feel a wash of relaxation through me. I wonder if papa or my ancestors put any type of relaxation spell! I am always feel relax when i am here.

I look at wall deeply in thought but then i saw the open and Mione coming tiward me as if she saw the most beautiful thing in the whole.

"Oh my merlin!! Ambre did you saw all of those books?! And also the library is so big bigger than Hogwards's!!" she squeal in delight and keep telling how magnificient the library was.

"Calm down Mione." I laugh at her red face and she tickle me making laugh harder.

She pout and get off me.

" It's really beautiful though." She smile and nod.

"it's really is, we should go and see the garden!" I suggest and we both went outside. The garden is so beautiful, there were many type of flowers like Lisianthus Lilac, Violet, Rose, Dahlia, Zinia and peony.

I notice that there were more Roses and
Lisianthus, not that i am complaining since those are my favorites.

I sit on the grass and start creating a flower crown and Mione join me.

I never felt so peaceful as i am feeling right now.


We created the flowers crowns and played around like little kids, we run and saw a lake with cute ducks swimming and Mione decide to go nearer and play with it while i sit down  and play with a cute little rabbit that i name Mimi. Me, Mimi and Mione watch as the sun goes down and go back to the manor.

I ask Miky to put Mimi in my room while i eat with Mione.

Time pass and i go back to my room and lay next to Mimy.

"you are very cute you know?" i mutter to small rabbit while petting her."I hope you won't leave me too~" I snuzzle into Mimi and sleep peaceful unaware of the Shamrock green eyes watching me in the dark.


Hii there cuties~
New chapter release, i hope you like it!
i am sorry if it's short.
I just don't how much ideas for the moment.

Don't forget to vote and comment! :) love you ❤︎

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