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While I am here searching for my dear mother in law, my sly fucking brother is having a good time with our woman.

"Fucking bitchy asholle." I mutter walking through the dark prison. I feel cursing someone and yes! I am being jealouse of my brother.

"Why are we even in Akzaban Rodolphus?"Antonin Dolohov ask me. " we are here to search for Estella Black." I says coldly.

"That traitor!? She is dead!" Shouted Igot Karkaroff. "Shut up!" I said angryly.
"I am the one giving order here and you are meant to follow it. We are going to search for Sirius Black and Estella Black. If one you have problem then say it, I have an urge of torturing someone." The Death Eaters shut their mouth and we break in Akazaban.

"Search everywhere." I order and went in my own way. I passed in every corner in the Akazaban and stop abruptly seeing someone I did not want to see.

Bellatrix Black.

"What are you doing here!?" She yell loudly annoying me. "Clearly not for your face." She scoff. "You little bastard!" "Bastard? My parents were married." I says look around not caring to glance at her.

"Get me out of here!!"

"Stop fucking yelling you annoying bitch!" I snap. I might torture her if this continue and I won't mind it.

"You think I will let you out? The moment you get out, The Dark Lord will kill you." She roll her eyes.

"He won't! That whore can't give him what I can! Me and him are meant to be together!" "Shut up already, you are giving me an headache."

"I heard about your bitch hmfp! Potter really!? Such a bad taste." I look at her coldly and point my want at.

"Crucio!" I shout. Bellatrix start screaming. I smirk feeling the satisfaction rolling of me. "Never talk bad about my woman."

I turn around and keep searching. If founding those two Black make my woman happy then I will search everywhere on earth for them.

If she want someone dead, I will gladly do it because those things does not deserve walking on the same ground as she does.

"Rodolphus! We found Sirius Black!" Eva Rosier inform me. I go toward a cell it's was block with dark magic. ANd the light are supose to be 'good'.

"Good to see you alive Black." He look at me narrowing his eyes. "A-ambrosia." He groan holding his stomatch and Evan put his arm around his neck yo help him stand.

𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑫 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ; 𝐹𝐸𝑀𝐻𝐴𝑅𝑅𝑌Where stories live. Discover now