Mila vs Deliora

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Mila's P.O.V:

The whole village was burning, I could heard some people screaming in fear, running away. But I mustn't be afraid now, I must find Gray and stop Deliora!!

But then I saw an incredibly beautiful light, And I recognized the power and it's owner's aura. Ice make magic, "UR!" I shouted in realization, She's going to use the forbidden spell to seal Deliora!

She can't! She'll die! I ran quicker and faster till I finally reach Ur and found Deliora stuck in the nearly complete Ice shell.

"Ur, Stop!" I shouted, getting her attention, but she lost focus and started blacking out! Oh no, I must slay Deliora now before he breaks free and destroys more of the village!

I quickly put Casper down with Ur, and told Jirachi to stay and protect them as I quickly flew at the beast!

"Blizzard!" I chanted loudly, creating a powerful blizzard at him, that got his attention, now looking at me angerly. "Sorry, Ugly. But I cannot let you kill anymore innocent people! Focus blast!" I yelled, throwing a powerful sphere of power at the demon, which caused a lot of damage.

Good thing he's only using the attacks he has for his head, since mostly all of his body is frozen solid.

But he looks really angry now, he almost tried to chomp me with his giant mouth, luckily I flew off quickly and dodged it before those canines could chomp me clearly in half.

I kept using different and powerful attacks on him, And quickly peaked around to make sure everyone's okay, Luckily I only see Ur and my Pokemon with her in a far safe distance, But no sign or Gray or Lyon.

I was growing tired however with how many powerful attacks I had to use to try and take Deliora down, But then he broke his left arm free! He grabbed me and was squeezing very tight, I yelped in pain from such force!

'No! I can't give up - I mustn't! I won't break my promise to Jellal! I want to save them all for them to be happy again! I want to laugh and play with everyone again! I want to see mommy and daddy! And be a family!' I cried in my thought.

I suddenly felt this energy rising within me and my necklace, Till my eyes open wide, glowing completely and brightly white with this power.

Then I had a vision, I was floating in a blue realm of a sky filled with flouting crystals of ice shimmering with light and color, till I heard a giant bird's call from behind me, I turned around an saw the legendary and beautiful bird Pokémon of ice, Articuno.

I felt like she understood my situation and wants to help, As she embraces me with her wings, feeling her cool and soft feathers around my body in comfort, I hug her back, letting her and I be as one.

My vision ended, and suddenly felt the power within me grow stronger and brighter, having blinded Deliora to release me and shade his face from the light. Till I felt my body change, and feel a cold yet unbothering chill in my body, Till my transformation was complete. As Articuno.

"Time to put an end to your chaotic ways, Once and for all! Freeze Shock!" I screamed as I powered up my attack, creating a sphere of shocking and cold energy, Then finally, I blast it straight on towards the demon!

Now he is trapped in the the ice completely, with electricity only sparking for a moment. Though he may look fine, There's now way he'll survive in there with those injuries all over him, They'll probably get infected and get him sick, and end him for good.

I was happy I took him down, Though I felt very tired, I slowly landing on the ground gracefully, and changed back. But my body collapsed from exhaustion. I had to close my eyes and try to catch my breath.

"Mila!" I heard Jirachi call, Coming towards me, along familiar running paws of Casper coming.

I feel Casper's soft fur nudging my face, hearing him whine in great concern. I open my heavy eyes, and see him and Jirachi, "Hey you two." I smiled, "Don't worry, I'm just... Really tired. How's... Ur? Is she alright?" I asked.

"She's okay. Casper made a wish to heal her, And I granted it, the cracks and injuries on her are gone now. She just needs some rest now." Jirachi assured me, And I'm glad. But then I felt a sudden extreme pain on my side. That demon must've cracked one or two of my ribs.

"Mila! What's wrong!?" Jirachi asked in concern, "I think that demon must've cracked one of my ribs." I grumbled in pain.

"Don't worry. I'll make a wish to help heal you." Jirachi assured me, "But Jirachi, Granting two wishes in one day can take a lot of your energy!" I say in worry. If her energy is completely gone, I'm scared that'll mean she might die!

"Don't worry. I'll be okay. I can return to my realm through your necklace and rest. That's how I came here in the first place." She reassures me. My necklace Casper gave me is a gateway?

"Just call upon any Pokémon with your necklace and they can be summoned from it." She explains. I sighed in relief what I thought wasn't the case.

"Okay. I'll miss you, Jirachi." I smiled sadly. "I'll miss you too, but we'll see each other again." She says, then her tags began to glow, "I wish, to restore my best friend, Mila, back to good health." She wished.

Then my body began to glow, and I grew tired, Seeing Jirachi getting tired as well.

My body was healing, but my eyes were growing heavy, seeing Jirachi one last time, seeing her wrapped herself in her streamers, tucking herself to sleep. Then see her glowing and turn into a small yellow light, floating towards the opal of my necklace, but then I blacked out.

But I know I'll see her again, Someday.

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