Chapter 2

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- Are you going to keep letting calls go to voicemail? - She squinted at her cell phone, which was vibrating on top of the console. The damn thing had been ringing every half hour, but now the interval between calls had shortened to ten minutes.

- Yes. - The handset stopped moving, and I didn't give any further explanation. I thought maybe she'd let it go.

Of course she didn't. Five minutes later, the phone vibrated again, and Kazuha picked it up before I realized what she was doing.

- Jay is calling. - She held the phone between her thumb and forefinger, swinging it back and forth until I grabbed it out of her hand.

- It's Park Jong Seong, for you. And that's none of your business.

- It's a long journey, princess. You know we'll talk about it at some point.

- Trust me, we won't.

- We'll see.

Just a few more minutes passed, and the phone vibrated again. Before I could stop her, Kazuha picked it up once again. Only this time, she pressed a button and brought it to her ear.

- Hello?

My eyes widened. I almost swerved into the road, but I remained as still as if I were mute.

- Jay. How are you, man?

Her accent, which was very clear and present, suddenly disappeared. Jay's voice increased in pitch, although I couldn't understand the words. I looked at Kazuha's arrogant face. She shrugged, smiled and leaned back in her seat, looking like she was having a great time. At that moment, I decided that our trip was over. As soon as we reached the next exit, I would kick her out of the car. That perfect mass of muscle could walk in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska and I wouldn't care.

- Yes, of course. She's here. But we're kind of busy right now.

I heard the next question loud and clear. Kazuha pulled the phone away from his ear as Jay roared:

- Who is this?

- My name is Kazuha. Nakamura Kazuha," she said, with perfect melodious intonation. I could imagine it making the vein in Jay's throat pulse a deep shade of purple.

- Give. The. Fucking. Phone. To. Chaewon. - Each word was a short burst of anger. Suddenly, I was no longer angry at Kazuha for answering the phone. I was furious that Jay had the audacity to get angry at what I was doing.

- I can't, Jay. She's... unwell at the moment.

Another grunt full of swear words sounded through the phone.

- Listen, Jay. I'm going to tell you this nicely, because you seem like a nice guy. Chaewon has been avoiding your calls to be polite. The truth is, she just doesn't want to talk to you.

My anger was quickly interspersed between the two idiots. Yet she spoke my name so slurred in her accent. I wanted to strangle Kazuha, but at the same time I really wanted her to say my name again. What the hell was wrong with me? I missed Jay's answer, busy mentally repeating the sound of my name being spoken in Kazuha's accent. The way the sound came off that asshole's tongue made my stomach knot up. Perhaps I had a momentary lapse as I imagined her whispering in my ear with a guttural strain.

I blinked and came back to reality as Kazuha let out an exaggerated sigh into the phone.

- All right then, Jay. But now you need to stop. We're on a long trip, and your constant interruptions are making our girl nervous. So be a good buddy and stop getting in the way for a while, okay?

Our girl. That vein must have been ready to explode in Jay's neck.

Kazuha didn't wait for an answer before hanging up.

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