Chapter 7

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The next morning was strange, but not the kind of exciting strangeness we had experienced in the tent. I had slept very badly, and the rejection of the night before had turned the sadness into anger. We sat down in the Waffle House, which was full of truckers and pensioners. I stirred my coffee and banged my spoon on the table.

- Everything okay, princess?

- Yes, everything's fine. - I avoided eye contact and looked out of the window as I sipped my coffee. It was bitter... just like me.

Kazuha leaned back in her seat and rested her arms on the table.

- I may not be an expert on women of your type, but I know them well enough to know that yes, everything is fine means that nothing is fine.

- So apparently you don't know me. Because fine means fine.

She ignored me and continued analyzing that little word.

- And the speed with which good is said is directly proportional to the level of irritation. - She sipped her coffee and tilted the mug in my direction. - And yours came very quickly.

The waitress interrupted as we looked at each other.

- Is everything all right here?

- Fine - I replied. I spoke so abruptly and quickly that the waitress was surprised.

- I'm sorry. It's that time of the month, and she gets like that. - She shrugged, and the waitress apologized with a look. I think she really felt sorry for Kazuha.

I waited until she walked away.

- Can you not do that?

- What?

- Make up stories about me.

- I'm not sure it was an invention. You've been acting strangely all morning. Maybe that's your problem. Is it that time of the month, Chaewon? Is that what's bothering you?

- I'm not weird and no... that's not what's bothering me.

- So you admit that something's bothering you?

- What is this, an interrogation? Are you a lawyer now? I thought you were a sports model.

Kazuha looked at me and I stared back. At least I'd annoyed her enough to make her shut up for the rest of the meal. We ate in moody silence and then she took the goat for a walk before we hit the road again.

Kazuha started driving. Five minutes into the journey, my phone started ringing. Jay's name appeared on the screen.

- Aren't you going to talk to your little boyfriend? - She asked.

I answered honestly:

- No. I only play the fool once. He showed me who he really was with his actions. It doesn't matter what he say now.

She stared at me for a moment and then looked at the road.

We were silent for another hour after that.

- What do you think about taking another detour? Las Vegas for a night or two?

I was sad to answer, but spending two more nights with her wasn't a good idea. I was already feeling something that unrequited. Distancing ourselves was the right thing to do.

- I think I should go straight to California.

She seemed genuinely saddened by my response, which confused me even more.

- If that's what you want, fine.

Hours later, knowing it would be our last full day together, a feeling of melancholy set in. We stopped for gas and, as usual, Kazuha was sucking on a Pixy Stix when he got back into the car.

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