Chapter 15

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Although my house was a few blocks from the beach, the smell of the sea contaminated the atmosphere. I took a deep breath and filled my lungs with freedom. Damn, that smelled good.

The last thing I did before giving myself up to two years of hell was to put my sister in rehab. I knew she was doing better. When she came to visit me in prison, I could see it on her face. Somehow, Yeji was helping a lot. I know that she introduced this "dark world" to Ryujin, but what matters now is that the two of them want to have a normal, happy life together.

However, for some reason, I suddenly felt nervous about showing up unannounced.

As I unlocked the door, pop music blasted through the loft I called home. I smiled as I heard it, even though his terrible taste in music was irritating me more and more.

- Ryujin?

I lived in a refurbished warehouse - the sound was normally muffled by the high ceiling, but it was completely taken over by Taylor Swift's voice blasting through the speakers.

- Ryujin? - I called out a little louder.

After everything she'd been through, I didn't want to scare her by coming in unannounced. I threw the key into the bowl on the table by the door and went into the kitchen.

An orange-haired woman wearing just a shirt and red panties was ironing clothes on the granite counter. We looked at each other at the same moment. She raised the iron like a weapon. I raised my hands in surrender.

- Yeji?!

- Kazuha?

- Yes, it's me, relax. Is Ryujin here? - I spoke calmly, keeping my hands in the air, where she could see them at all times. If I'd learned anything from spending two years in prison, it was to defuse a violent situation.

- Oh, shit. I'm so sorry. I thought you were getting out next week.

- It was overcrowded. - I squinted at the iron she was still holding. - Don't you want to put that thing down now?

- Yes. Of course. I'm sorry. - She put the iron on the counter and took two steps towards me, holding out her hand. - It's so good to see you again. And I'd like to say that I understand why you did what you did to my brother, you were just trying to protect Ryujin.

- It's all right, Yeji. I'm very grateful to you for contributing to my sister's life taking a different turn.

- Oh thank you.

- Do you think we could stop at the... - My sister's voice stopped abruptly as she entered the kitchen.

- Oh my God! - She almost knocked me over when she flew into my arms. - You're here! You're home!

- I am.

Ryujin hugged me tightly. She was crying, but unlike the last time I hugged her, the tears were happy ones. I stepped back to take a good look at her. She used to visit me every fortnight, but I only saw what she wanted and told me. Now I realized that she was different.

- You're different. You've grown up.

She dried her tears.

- Well, I'm going to work.

Yeji cleared his throat.The woman was still wearing her panties.

- I'm running late. I've got to go. It was great to finally see you again, Kazuha.

I looked at her.

- I hope you'll be dressed next time.

She put her hand on Ryujin's shoulder gently as she passed and spoke softly:

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