Chapter 17

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Would it still be considered stalking when the victim became aware of the stalker's presence? Now Chaewon knew I was in town and the risk of being caught no longer existed.

For the next week, I stayed in Temecula hoping for a miracle. The only stress was waiting for her to contact me. I constantly looked at my phone, thinking that maybe I had missed her call. But she never called.

To avoid irritating her more than I already had, I decided to take a break from visiting her office. I worked out hard every morning to get the frustrations out of my body. I hadn't touched a woman for over two years and the only one I wanted apparently had a girlfriend and hated me. So pulling iron was my way of dealing with it until I could win her back. I just dreamed of all the ways I could unload the energy built up in Chaewon.

After the gym, in the early afternoons, I would go to Chaewon's house and continue tidying her garden. Someone had to do it, for God's sake. I fertilized the plants and planted two vanilla flower seedlings. It was the perfect choice.

The neighbors were used to seeing me working. With the lawnmower in the back of the truck, they thought I was gardening. My skin was a little more tanned after working for days in the sweltering heat. Several mothers with strollers had started strolling by in recent days too. I waved at them with dirty hands. These new spectators seemed to be multiplying every day.

However, the best part of those afternoons at Chaewon's house was the time I spent with the goat. He was always waiting for me at the window.


I still had to get used to calling him that.

I used to bring him lunch. We'd eat together. I was getting used to the smell of his breath mixed with the smell of freshly cut grass.

Stinky guy.

My evening routine was the same as always. I'd go to the bar and vent to Yuna.

One Friday night, however, there was a surprising change. I was sitting on my bar stool when Yuna asked:

- What did you say Chaewon was like?

- Why?

- Describe her to me.

- Small, but curvy, and her hair is currently blonde, she has a sexy look, fair skin...

- Does she have a cheetah print jacket?

I rubbed my chin and remembered that she was wearing one of these to work one morning.

- Yes... yes, she does. Why?

- I think she was here. A girl like that was looking at us through the front window. When I looked at her, she ran away.

I turned around.

- What?

Yuna waved her hand in the direction of the door.

- Go after her.

Without thinking, I got up and ran. There was no doubt that it was Chaewon's Audi leaving the parking lot. My heart was pounding as it sped down the street. As I had been walking to the bar, I wouldn't be able to follow her. My little princess put her foot on the gas and sped away too fast for me to stop her.

I picked up my phone and scrolled down to her number to send a text message.

Kazuha: Who's following who now?

There was no reply. After a few minutes, I received a text message. My heartbeat accelerated.

Chaewon: It was a coincidence.

Kazuha: Don't text while you're driving.

Chaewon: Why did you write to me then? And don't tell me what to do.

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