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It was their graduation day, the day all seniors looked forward to. The day that marked them finally out of High School and old enough to take on the world. As Catra looked over her fellow seniors talking with their families or cheering with friends she let out a long sigh. suddenly feeling two pairs of arms wrap around her, she spun to face Glimmer and Bow. Both still had their grduation Gowns though their caps were of.

"I can't believe we are finally out of High School!" Glimmer cried out, hugging her friends tightly. "I know right?! We worked our butts off and it paid off!" Bow shouted just as loud hugging them tightly before backing off. Catra laughed and shook her head at her friends antics. "No more surpirse tests, or teachers being pricks!" She said earning chuckles from her friends. "You can say that again! Hey where Adora? Thought she would be with you?" Glimmer stated glancing around.

Now that someone had said something Catra also started looking around finally reconizing the fact that her oldest friend wasnt near by. "She certianly was here fo the gradutaion. I saw her in the line and when she got her deploma." Bow stated. "I did as well. And saw her take a seat but since then havent seen her, or her dog ,Swift Wind." The dog was always where Adora was, no matter where it was. The school allowed it after seeing the dog had helped Adora focus.

Just like he had been summond by his name, a loud bark was her only warning before a grey blur jumped and knocked Catra over. He was licking her face tail wagging happily as Catra laughed trying to fight off the determined dog's tounge. Soon the soft thudding of feet had been her warning before Adora's face appeared laughing as she bent to pick the dog up and off of Catra. "Whoops sorry Catra, he saw you guys and got to excited. We finally did it!" She cheered helping Catra up before engulfing her in a hug, soon joined by Gimmer ad Bow and sqaushing the mutt between them. They were all laughing as they pulled away. "What's your guys plans?" Glimmer asked. Her and bow had already told the small group tht they were going to a small college in Delaware earlier in the year, which came to no surpirse as the newly stated couple wanted to say together.

"I'm going to college here in Texas. Just abit north from Dallas." Catra said chuckling softly to the weird looks from the other two. "To study what? Plants?" Bow asked teasingly, to which earned a hard punch to the arm. Catra just smirked while Adora chuckled softly. "No. To study for IT thank you very much!" Catra said glaring. The group laughs softly before three sets of eyes turned to Adora. "And what of you Adora?" Glimmer said an eyebrow raised slightly. "Oh uh.. I'm joining the military.." She flinched at the loud yells of her friends that she had received from tha simple sentence. "But thats Dangerous! You could get hurt or killed easily out there!" "I thought you wanted to study biology?!" Glimmer and Bow said over each other.

Catra just stared at Adora in shock. Adora never mentioned wanting to do the military, even expressed a distaste for the lifestyle so it made no sense on why she would join. "But you always had a distaste for the lifestyle. What changed your mind Adora?" Catra said softly still confused. "I dunno.. They make decent money and college is free if you join." Adora said back looking between her friends. "Look we can still keep in touch i promise guys, i'll call and text yall every chance i get, and i'll even visit yall after basic training."

"Promise me. " Adora spun quickly to face Catra, who had her arm in a tight grip. she looked like she was on the verge of tears and it really hurt Adora to see her best friend like this. "Promise me your text and ca-call, and even visit us, Promise me!" Adora turned to fully face her best friend, bringing her into a tight hug and rubbing her back when Catra's will finally broke and tears soaked the front of Adoras shirt. "I promise with my life Catra, I will text, call and visit you guys. you guys are my best friends." Glimmer and Bow joined the hug as Adora clutched her childhood friend and crush closer to her.

She would come back to her friends. No matter what.

Hidden in the Dark (Catdora) (GilmBow)Where stories live. Discover now