Chapter 6: Friendly Faces

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Glimmer hugged Catra as soon as the door was opened, causing Catra to laugh and hug back. "hey guys! how have you been?" she questions looking from glimmer to bow. "we are good, just been working, but also saving up to get a actual house!" Glimmer said smiling happily as she backed up. As Catra moved out of the way to let them both in, Glimmer was quick to remove shoes and her coat and head to the living room. shortly enough the sounds of talking came from the other room. "i can't believe Adora is back so soon.. she never kept in contact.." bow said softly, following his girlfriend in and removing his shoes and couch more slowly than glimmer did.

"it was a shock myself, it was so weird to see her.." Catra said facing the taller male who appeared to be peaking around the corner studying the two. Catra joined him and smiled softly when she saw Adora and Glimmer doing a old game they used to do every time they saw each other. their giggles filling the room and as Adora won she let out a victorious yell, causing all three to burst out laughing. Bow and Catra soon joined the other two on the couch, Adora moving slightly to make room for Catra. Glimmer and Bow sat on the other couch, and they all caught up, rather Catra, Bow, and Glimmer caught Adora up.

"yea! we are saving for a house, we are getting close too! we just need a few more bucks." "which i can easily give you you know, " catra said looking at the young couple. "yea but we dont want you to lose cash.. you already struggle enough with keeping up payments to the Apartment." Bow said glaring playfully at Catra who held her hands up. "hey! my job is low paying, and cant seem to keep a second one!" "why dont you move in with us once we get the house Catra? you wont have to pay as much as here and save up money for your own place." glimmer said. "i can't just through Adora to the streets, and you guys wont have enough space for the two of us.." catra said pointing to where Adora was sitting, semeing to drift off slightly.

"she can move in with her parents no? arnt they still in town?" Bow said looking to Adora, who snapped awake after being addressed. she looked around confused before looking at her lap. "they weren't at the house... and we didn't keep in contact after i left for the Air Force..." adora aid softly refusing to meet any of their gazes. when the sience went on for longer than she thought she glanced up to see pity in the couples eyes. she immediately ducked her head and tucked her leg closer to her curling in the corner. "hey, its okay you can stay with me for as long as you need Adora." Catra said quickly trying to comfort her friend. "how Catra? you can barely take care of yourself with how little you earn.." Glimmer said, shutting up after Catra shot a glare.

"we can send YOU money catra... help you until you BOTH can get a better job yes?" bow said trying to defuse the situation. "i- i should still be collecting money..since i was medically discharged.. i can find my own place.." Adora said faintly only towards Catra, though Glimmer overheard. "medically discharged? you were injured?! what?!" adora ducked down again, while the other two closely looked at her. instead of the confidant, overbearing girl they knew and loved, was replaced by a timid, hurt young woman. they then looked over at catra who was gently trying to calm Adora down. they knew that Catra liked Adora, and Adora had liked her back, however that was before the military.

Catra looked towards the couple and motioned to the kitchen. knowing what she wanted the two excused themselves from the living room, and waiting in the kitchen for Catra to join. once she did, she immediately responded. "listen she got hurt pretty bad from the military, and i found her on the streets. please dont ask her about it.. not yet at least okay?" they nodded, not expecting that and with a firm nod Catra leaned against the counter. "listen guys... i have to help her.. you dont have to help but you guys can help or not.." "whoa whoa Catra, we will help you! shes our friend too... and we would kill someone if she ended up on the streets again.." Catra shot them a grateful smile and brought them into a hug. "thank you guys.. she needs as many friends as she can right now.."

Adora could hear faint talking from the kitchen, but couldn't hear what they were actually saying. she just curled up on the couch, reveling in the warmth of the blanket and the couch. she felt herself slowly fall asleep to the laughs of her friends. she smiled as she drifted off, though it wouldn't stay for long. her Nightmares refused to leave her alone and threw her the vision of a mission gone wrong, the shouts of pain or cries of instructions blocking her senses, the smell of gun powder, blood, and sweat overwhelming. She suddenly couldn't move anymore and she thrashed about trying to escape the ropes the enemy has her in. she hadn't realized she was crying out or crying until she felt something grip her arms tightly trying to wake her up.

she shot awake though her senses was still in the nightmare, over the chaos of everything she cold hear Catras voice calming her down. "your okay Adora! your in my apartment remember? i have Glimmer and Bow here, wake up your safe!" slowly but surly she could feel the grips of her nightmare and becoming more aware of her surroundings. Catra had her in a tight hug, which she was grateful of, the blanket had been untangled and now laid in a pile on the side of the couch, Bow was at her side smiling gently once he realized she was looking at him, while Glimmer stood at the pillow worried eyes scanning over Adora.

Adora felt her eyes tear up, and she buried her head against catras neck hiding her face. "I-im sorry..." she chocked out, feeling Catra hug her tighter. "no no no.. you have nothing to be sorry about 'dora... " Catra said softly, hiding the frown in her voice, though sharing a frown with the other two. "Adora? we will help you find a good job okay? and if you want we can find you a place.. close to all of us." Bow said gently, coaxing her to look at him and flashing a proud smile when she did. Adora smiled gently back and nodded, rasping out a thank you before reaching her hand out slowly to the male. he took it quickly and Glimmer smiled. Adora relaxed into Catras Grip and slowly fell into a peaceful sleep knowing her friends where close by.

soon after she passed out, Catra gently brought her to the spare room, getting her comfortable before joining the other two in the Living room. they stayed a few more hours before taking their leave promising to visit again tomorrow. Catra brought her prosthetic to the spare room and laid in on a chair before taking her leave to her bedroom. changing into her pjs and diving under her covers sleep found Catra easily, though she was ready to help Adora if she needed.

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