Chapter 9: Flashback

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Adora woke with a flash as soon as she heard the egninggin nots of the bugle. she snapped into a salute alongside her comrades in the barracks as their commanding officer throws open the door. "Attention! breakfast at 0700 in the mess hall. then meet in the yard at 0800 for missions for the day." a chorus of yes sirs filled the room as the commander officer left. adora then turned and went about her morning duties, reading her bed, changing into the issued uniform the joined the line with her fellow members as they went to the mess hall for breakfast. breakfast was a normal routine of joking with the others in her rank, picking fun at a random member and just relaxing before the day truly began.

as they waited in the yard, sun beating heavily despite it still being morning, was when Adora was hit with a feeling. she knew this day, but couldn't truly remember what happens, a sense of deja vu weighing heavily on her shoulders. they all saluted as the commander stepped up, looking over the ranks, before his voice ,loud and clear, had them lowing their stance. "At ease Cadets. Lonnie, scout the northern sides of the camp. kyle, braulio i need you two to patrol the town, take any contraband and watch out for the other side. Adora. you will sneak into the Hordes base and find information on their movements, weapon, and size of their army. got it?" the chorus of Yes sirs rang through the air and as soon as they where dismissed they seperated.

the heavy feeling of deja vu followed adora as she snuck past the lines and into enemy territory, she had no problems as of yet, and she was really close to the weaponry. she took note of how much weaponry and artillery they had before slowly trying to move in closer. upon hearing commision she ducked and hid behind a pile of tnt willing them to move on. "Watch were you go with that Hordak! if you set these off we will all be dead!" "so-sorry! its not my fault Shadow decided to light it!" a sound of stumbling followed and with a thud came a short sizzling sound. the yells of the others alerted her, as did the smell so she got up and bolted. luckily everyone was to worried about getting away to worry about a Alliance member within their ranks but her foot caught on something sending her tumblng.

she didn't have time to get up and instead just protected her head as the explosion sounded. she screamed as her legs and back and arms were hit with shrapnel soon passed out from the pain. suddenly shooting up Adora let out a scream and was frantically trying to get away, only tangling herself worse in the blankets. she fell off the couch with a thud and was squirming faster only getting herself more tangled, and her panic was worse. Upon hearing the noise Catra entered the room in a panic thinking adora was hurt, only to see that Adora was tangled. Swift wind was net to adora trying his best to help his best friend calm down.

catra stepped closer starting to murmur softly. "woah woah woah! adora its okay! you're in my apartment, hold still for a second so i can free you please!" she reached for the blanket and slowly undid the blanket around her friend, though the struggling making it worse. to adora, it was a captor after the explosion just trying the ropes tighter and tighter so she could no longer move, or even attack back. luckily her screams had quietn, and Catra only had to hope that her neighbors wouldn't, or hadn't called the police. catra gently took Adora into her arms and started rocking them back and forth while humming a soft song. it had worked the way catra had hoped and soon Adora was fully back, tired but back and buried her face into catras neck crying softly.

"'m sorry 'm sorry im sorry im sorry" Adora mumbled into Catras neck as she tried to cal down the other, "its okay Adora, your safe i promise, you okay.."slowly but surly Adora calmed down enough to pull away and wipe her eyes. Swift wind took the chance to climb into Adoras lap, and lick her face to clear the tear, an as a bonus making Adora laugh softly. "hi buddy, im okay.." catra smiled at the sweet scene, seeing how Swift wind Always helped Adora. scooting closer and gently wrapping Adora into a side hug Catra muttered softly. "do you want to talk about it? or want to wait till tomorrow?" "to-tomorrow if you dont mind Catra... im getting sleepy." Catra just chuckled and helped Adora back onto the couch, tucking her in gently before turning to leave.

she felt a small tug on her writs and when she turned around she saw Adora holding herself up with her elbows, hand gently wrapped around catras. "please dont leave... at least till i fall asleep...?" adora said softly, so softly Catra thought she missed heard, but she smiled and nodded. "sure dora, of course." settling down beside the couch, one hand wrapped tightly in Adora's grip, the two fell asleep to the hums of Catra, and no nightmares reached either of them that night.

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