5 - The Dinner II

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Author's Notes: just to help with the confusion, when a quote is in cursive and between quotation marks, that's just a thought, but when Yui and Cordelia are both in the "phisical world" (or outside Yui's head), since who controls the body is the only one to hear (and see) the other, the quotes from the "spirit" are in bold and still between quotation marks, like a thought but not one.

- LaraEndlight

The room was silent, prehaps too silent for Yui.
Usually, there would be a few exchanges, mostly Laito and Ayato bickering over her and Reiji trying to get them to behave like adults at the table. Once she would have found that annoying, but in that moment, with silence being broken only occasionally from the noises of the cutlery against the plates, the girl started to feel a strange desire for voices, for more noises, for someone, anyone, to break that unnerving calm.
Silence and calmness often meant that the brothers were angry for some reasons and she knew for sure that they were furious, it was too strange to see them apparently calm and quiet.
"It feels so wrong..."
Even the soup in her plate had started to appear less appetizing in that situation.

<< So, who wants to address it first? >>

Asked Ayato making Yui jump in her chair, she definitely wasn't expecting his first words to sound like that.
"He doesn't sound angry..."
None of the others answered him, so the redhead went on.

<< Alright, I'll be the first. >>

When his eyes landed on her, Yui felt a shiver running down her spine and instinctively went still like a doe in the middle of the street with a car approaching.
After all, running and panicking only made then hungrier, more excited for the hunt and made her more appealing, but when she "behaved" and let them do as they pleased, they would finish quickly and leave her alone to recover.

"What are you doing?"

She heard Cordelia's voice coming from behind her and she felt a bit safer.

<< What should I do?! >>

Quickly whispered the girl, still knowing that they could hear her perfectly.

"Sit like a lady and don't lower your gaze, don't give him the satisfaction."

<< He's got that already! >>
<< Who are you talking to? >>

Asked Shu, looking at her with half-closed eyes.

<< I-I... >>
<< With her? >>

Asked Subaru, his voice dripping with venom.

<< Yes... >>

"Little Mouse, for the love of myself, show them you have balls."

<< I don't- >>

"Don't you dare say it. Nor literally, nor ironically. Just don't."

<< Well, since that woman is here, she could sit down and face us again like before. >>

Said Laito, his voice filled with a different emotion, something Yui couldn't recognize.

<< I highly doubt she's scared without her dog around. >>

"I need to recharge, but don't tell them, they can't know I have a weakness."

<< Oh, Deliah doesn't want to do it. >>
<< Deliah?! >>


Asked both the vampiress and two of her sons (those who weren't hiding behind a plushie) and even the others had their eyes wide.

<< Does that bitch really let you call her like this? Are you friends now? >>
<< Well, yes. >>

"Good girl, you didn't stutter... I'm patting your head right now, you just can't feel it."

Yui smiled internally at the praises, missing the long pause Cordelia took before speaking after she heard the nickname.

<< Well, since that woman is your friend, I guess she won't mind if we talk about her and what a good mom she was, right? Friends don't keep secrets from each others. >>

Said Laito with sly (and fake) grin on his fangs, leaning towards her and getting too close for comfort.

"Don't listen to him. They will lie to you, all of them."

Trying to keep her voice still and assume the posture of a human and not a scared rabbit (or a shrimp, considering the way she was almost bending to get away from Laito, she started to worry for her back), Yui stared back at the vampire.

<< Well Laito, if you wish to say something, speak. Just don't expect me to fall for... whatever you're going to say. >>

The vampire scoffed at her, the others were quickly getting more agitated and angry at the sudden attitude from their pet and the thought of Yui trusting Cordelia over them.
Cordelia that was enjoying the dinner now that her body wasn't a pale stuttering statue anymore.

"Good! Now ask Subaru if he's mad only because he couldn't help his mother and wishes to help you as a substitute to get rid of his guilt."


Exclaimed Yui turning to the "empty air" behind her.

"It's not like they have been angelic with you. You know?"

<< Still, I'm not asking him that! I don't even know his mother! >>

She couldn't stop herself in time.

<< What did she say about my mother?! >>

Growled Subaru, with Yui gesturing toward him with one hand (hard to see considering she was moving both her arms like a maniac), it was impossible to not get which mother Yui was referring to between his and Reiji and Shu's.

<< She... she said... >>

Suddenly, the confidence she got a few moments ago disappeared and Yui felt like a fly in front of a giant: helpless.

"Little Mouse?"

Called Cordelia, her gentle voice trying to soothe her as the girl closed her eyes to get a deep breath and relax.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

Yui's eyes shot open, she wasn't used to hear Cordelia like that.
The vampiress had always been calm and composed, hearing her panicked screams wasn't good and seeing Subaru slowly rising from his sit was even worst.

<< What. Did. She. Say?! >>

"Get up and run! Give it a try!"

The girl really wanted to do what Cordelia told her, but her body was frozen in place and her brain refused to give any command that wasn't what had been taught her in all those days spent being the brothers' prey.
"Don't run. Stay still. Don't make things worse."

<< Subaru, calm down, we're still having dinner. >>

Said Reiji and for once, his voice wasn't totally apathetic and distant from the current situation, he sounded almost interested.

"That's it! Sorry girl, we both need you to live."

Yui felt something strange, like the chair had suddently disappeared and she was falling, yet she wasn't, she was standing on her feet, just a few steps far from what looked like herself grabbing her plate and slamming it on Subaru's face, leaving his face covered in soup as "she" ran out of the room.
"Oh, so this is how it feels when she gets in control."
Reminding herself of her current situation, she quickly followed her body.

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