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"You aren't scared of her, she so sweet" the prince said as the dragon came and I gulped


"Come, Hyune" the prince smiled and he pulled on my arm to the dragon and he grabbed my hand and placed it on the scales of the large dragon

It felt a bit weird, it was like leather but the dragon seemed to enjoy it, she was somehow smiling at me and I laughed

"I told you, she is a good dragon right Nightshade" the prince and his dragon, Nightshade smiled

"Let's go for a flight shall" the prince suddenly said and he climbed up on his dragon and he looked at me

"Are coming or what?" He asked and I slowly climbed up the dragon and eventually I came on the dragons back, and there was no saddle

"Where is the saddle?" I asked

"Saddles are too small for her, so hold tight," he said and scooted a bit to him

The dragon started walking and raising her huge wings, and soon or late, we were off the ground, and I put my arms around Chan's waist

Chan's pov

"Isn't it beautiful up here?" I said as I saw in the corner of my eyes Hyunjin looking down

"You can see the whole kingdom up here." He smiled, and he looked around

"Nightshade and I always take a flight, right girl?" I asked, and Nightshade softly roared

Hyunjin's pov

Everything was so tiny up here, you could see the castle, the Church

I never thought I would be flying some day, but huh, it happened

Suddenly, Nightshade went down to the ground and landed on an open field

"Where are we?" I asked the prince as he slid down from his dragon

"We are at Nightshade and I special place" He said as I slowly climbed down the dragon, but I lost my grip, and I fell, but luckily, chan caught me

"T-Thank you" I blushed a bit, and he smiled

He put me back on the ground, and he took my hand, and we started walking to a forest

After a few minutes

"I always come here when my day is stressful and here I can relax, no nagging people or formal duties" he said and I nodded

Suddenly we heard laughter from afar and Chan pulled on my arm and took me to the direction and when we arrived I couldn't believe my eyes

It were Nymphs, Freshwater Nymphs
My parents told me that fresh waters nymphs were all gone since the men came here, taking their land and water, but now they are here

Those nymphs are kind and they would help good people in need like when they were drawing and it was said that could heal people but when the people tried to distrub and destroy their waters,v they would drown you⁰u

One was sitting on a rock, brushing her hair and humming a song, and the other three were playing in the water and giggling

"Aurora, stop! You are making me wet" one of the nymphs shouted

"Girl, we are water nymphs" the other said probably called Aurora

"Quiet girls, we got company" the nymph that was sitting on the rock was looking at us and Chan started walking to them

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