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Hyunjin's pov later the day

"Dear goddess, please bless the one I loves. Strengthen their father for this war, protect them for this war, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and all the ways that matter. Thank you for listening to me and I hope you heard me

May she guide my husband, the king and his sister, princess in this war

I honour you and praise your might" I whispered as I sat down on my knees quietly praying in front of the statue of the Goddess

"Beautifully goddess, I thank you for the life that's growing inside of me, it's a wonderful gift. I pray that you protect this precious and wonderful life inside me and grant me for a safe and healthy delivery

Merciful goddess, I entrust myself and my unborn child to your loving care. Please give us strength and courage for a safe delivery" I whispered and one of my hands caressed my stomach

"Please" I whispered, and suddenly, a few tears were rolling down my cheeks

Bang chan's pov

My sister and I were heading to battle camp from our armies, and they allies. Nightshade landed down on the ground, followed by Melaera, my sister's dragon

We got off our dragons, and we walked to the camp of the leading captains, and when we arrived, we saw them discussing how to win this war and save the destroyed city from further destruction

"Your grace," they stood up and bowed when they saw us

"What are our statuses, captian?" I asked him as I sat down on a chair, and my sister sat beside me

"We lost many innocent people in the city and some are still alive but there is no more food left so there is a famine" The captain said

"Are there any important losses?" I asked them

"Lord Xerox is dead. Our most loyal ally was murdered in his sleep by a group of women who called themselves the nightsisters because they mostly murder people in the night" Changbin said

"Who is now the Lord?" I asked him

"Originally his son was meant to succeed him when he dies but he got also murdered in sleep, slit through the throat by the nightsisters so now nobody is the lord" Changbin said

"We will mourn them later but first we need to save the people from the city and this rebellion" I said, and they all nodded

A few minutes later

The sun was shining bright, and the warm wind came into out faces, the ground was dry and hard and broken

Hannah and I were currently on dragonback waiting behind the armies. My sister put on her helmet, and she fixed the last little things of her clothing. It wasn't her first time she went to war and this won't be the last one

We saw the rebellions army they weren't with many, but still they were deadly and ruthless warriors

"For victory and glory!" Our banner men said and they road with our house banners

"Charge!" Suddenly a captain yelled, and we started to move

"Fly" We both gave the command to let our dragonga fly and their wings spread, and she started to run, and then they flew up

We saw from the sky our armies on the horses running to the rebellions army, and there already was a big fight going on. Hannah and I flew down the sky, and we gave the command to breathe fire

Melaera and Nightshade breathed fire and burning rebellion armies

"Watch out!" I shouted as I saw arrows coming to our direction, and both our dragons  flew up, and luckily arrows didn't go through because of their thick scales that protected them from arrows

Hannah flew to archers, and she burned them down and the rebellions army started to evacuated and Hannah flew to them

But out of the sudden, a bolt of a scorpion went through Melaera's throat, and both Hannah and her dragon fell from the sky down into  city buildings, and everything went so fast I couldn't even react

Melaera crushed into a castle

Suddenly, my anger started building up, and it eventually reached the rage. Nightshade flew down to the evacuating soldier, and she burned them, and while they got burned down, I screamed

After a few hours

I was walking through the empty city streets searching for my sister and her dragon with Nightshade flying above me searching from the sky and I hoped that she survived but I feared the most and my fear confirmed it when I saw the body of her dragon on the ground. A bolt through throat, a broken  and torn wings

When I walked to the head of her dragon, I saw Hannah lying under the head of the dragon, and I immediately ran to it, and with all my strength, I pushed the dragons head of her body

She was impaled in her stomach by a spike, but she was still heavily breathing, and she tried to reach my face with her, and I quickly grabbed her hand

"I-I'm so sorry, brother" She said with a weak voice, and she coughed

"Please stay with me" I softly said and I felt her grip getting looser and weaker

"P-Please promise m-me you w-will protect m-mother, brother and" I was losing her

"Hyunjin," she said with her last breath, and she died in my arms

Princess Hannah of House Bang, the second child of the peaceful King and the Queen, second in line of the throne, older sister of Prince Lucas and the younger sister of the King, Chan. She died in the battle of Xerea, she and her dragon fell down from the sky, and she died at the age of the twenty years old

Suddenly, I heard soldiers running to me, and I heard them drewing out their swords, and I grabbed the sword of my sister, and I turned around

"Look who got here the cruel king" one rebellion soldier said, and I drew out my own sword, and I slowly walked to them

One ran to me, but a slash of my sword, its head fell off

My sight was getting dark, and I blinded of the rage that they killed my sister

After few seconds

I picked up Hannah's body and I walked through the dead bodies from the rebellions soldiers, I was covered under their blood  and soon I saw my own soldiers walking to me

"Your grace" a soldier said and I just passed them

"What do you want with remaining rebels?" They asked me

"I'm going to burn them alive and let Nightshade eat their carcasses" I coldly said and I walked away from them


Oh god, what a chapter again...

I wonder what goes through Chan's head? Will he become more cruel after this?

Let me your thoughts!

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