twenty seven

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„Kang Y/N?" The lady on the other side of the glass barricade called out. My head lifted at the sound of my name. „You're next." She ordered. On-jo, whose turn was before me stood up from the chair, the sound of it scraping against the floor echoing through the quiet room.

I looked at Su-hyeok, who sat next to me, his, as always, warm hand interlocked with my cold one. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and I let go.

I was the last one being questioned. I sat down on the chair, my gaze focused on my feet instead of the woman in front of me.

„Did you have any classes with Mister Lee Byeong-chan?" She asked, the coldness in her voice sending shivers down my spine.

I nodded.

„Anything extraordinary you noticed in the last few weeks?"

I shook my head no.

„So you're telling me he didn't act any different after his son went missing?" She asked again, desperate for an answer. They didn't care for us, or our well-being, they only cared for answers, answers we didn't have.

I stayed silent, my head low. „We need you to cooperate, Y/N." The woman reminded.

A low chuckle escaped my throat and I finally looked up at her, my eyes filled with disgust. „And why would I do that? Why should I help you guys? It's not like you cared to help us, either."

The woman sighed and gave no reaction, trying her best to stay professional. „Look, I understand what you went through is unimaginably upsetting but-"

Don't tell me you understand." I interrupted. „You never, ever will."

The woman didn't reply this time, waiting for me to continue. „You left us behind, don't you remember? You call yourself saviors, protectors even. You all praise yourselves for saving your citizens, but you couldn't be bothered to protect innocent kids. Saviors? More like murders." I said, leaving the chair before the woman could even say anything in return.

Soon, we were let out, the soldiers guiding us to our cells. Su-hyeok gave my hand one last squeeze, letting go before going inside his cell. On-jo, Hyo-ryeong and I were now also guided into our cell as the two girls I shared the small space sat down next to the window connected to Ha-ri's and Mi-jin's cell.

Before the guard that brought us here could leave, I gripped his arm through the cell. He stopped in his tracks, looking back at me confused. „Can I- I have a question." I said, my voice raspy. The man nodded as I let go of his hand.

„Do you, by any chance, know if Kang Da-eun was delivered here?" I asked, not having high hopes anyway. I knew my mom wasn't the youngest, and most definitely not the sportiest. Her chances of survival were low, really low.

Yet, I didn't want to give up, it's my mother after all. The soldier signalized me to wait as he walked over to another guy in a uniform, who held a list in his hand.

He whispered something in his ear as the man with the list started listening through the pages, tracing the names. I held my breath, waiting for his answer. I couldn't really see them so I tried my best to lean out of the cell to see at least a facial expression I could read, anything really.

When that didn't work I just leaned my back against the wall waiting for the soldier to come back. And soon enough, I heard footsteps growing louder and louder with each second. My anxiety rose, hands trembling.

The soldier was now in front of me, sighing softly, his shoulders sagging just a bit, nodding slowly to confirm what the list had revealed. A simple shake of his head was enough for me to understand. „I'm sorry, but Kang Da-eun's name isn't on the list." He confirmed, my heart sinking.

As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. (Lee Su-hyeok x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now