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Sukai worked until early afternoon today then he texted you to meet up for a shopping trip.

He took you to a new shopping centre that you didn't know about yet.
The both of you went through many shops looking at cool things, Sukai might not be at Keigo's level but he was pretty good at figuring out what looked good on him so it was always fun to shop with him. He said he wouldn't mind finding a new hat and light jacket so you had fun looking at different hats and messing around until you found the perfect pairing of hat and jacket. They both had a little plane somewhere on them.

"Looking fly, Sukai." You say in english and dab. Sukai mirrored the pose.

"Of course," he said in English as well, "I can fly!" . To which you both burst out laughing in the shop.

You offered to buy the set for him and he accepted even though he joked that he is no longer 25 yen man, Junki taught him how to better save his money.

Sukai proposed to buy to you a dress but that made you a bit uncomfortable because it always took forever for you to find something good so you didn't really want to spend the whole afternoon just looking for your dress but you also did want to refuse him.

"Let's try this one." He proposed pointing at a nice looking shop. He seemed not to have noticed your discomfort so you just rolled with it.

"Yeah, it looks good." You nod and he slipped his arm around your waist, kissing your head as you went in. You leaned closer into his comfortable embrace, hoping to be done with this fast.

You picked out some nice looking pieces before going to try them out.

Sukai sat down outside the changing room, waiting patiently for you.
Taking a deep breath, you try the first one.

It gave you lumps where you didn't have any.

You take it off and try another one. Same thing. Another one, awkward fit.

"How is it going?" Sukai's voice floated over the changing room curtain.

" It's fine, I'm just checking something out." You lie to hide your rising frustration.

"Okay, well show me what you try on next, if it's decent. It's more fun that way."

"Okay." Fun was the last thing you were having with all those ill fitting clothes hanging around you but in order to not dampen the mood, you put on something and open the curtains.

Sukai's face lit up when the curtains opened and he came over to take a closer look at the dress, that was yet another flop.

"Not this one I think." he held his chin and looked you up and down. "Do you have anything else?"

"Lots, but probably nothing that would fit me in this century." You tried to joke but it came out bitter.

"Maybe we can come back to this and have more fun first?" You tried but he picked up on your implication.

"You're not enjoying this are you?" He looked at you while reaching your hands, making it hard to avoid eye contact.

"Well...not really..." hanging your head, you explained why.

"I see..." Sukai nodded, processing what you told him while still holding your hands.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" he seemed genuinely surprised.

"For ruining the mood."

"You didn't ruin anything!"

He pulled you closer, "can I try something ?" he asked.

"Of course! What is it?"

"I want to help you find your dress. I've learnt that if something is making you sad, it's better to share it with someone. I'll take some of your troubles and help you enjoy this time like I am. Don't hide it from me next time, I'm here for you."

It was all you could do to hold back from crying. Instead you hugged him tighter.

"Thank you." you whisper.

"No problem." he whispered back before kissing your cheek. "Let's look for that dress."

"Yes!" you wiped your eyes and went back in the changing room to take off the dress.

When you came out Sukai had looked up another shop to try out.
It was much more fun choosing dresses with him and deeply discussing or messing around for each one.

Eventually both of you looked at each other knowingly.

"This is the one." You both overlapped before laughing. You twirled happily in it.

"So pretty!" he couldn't take his eyes off of you. "I could watch you all day. In fact, why don't we go home so that I can do just that?" Sukai smirked but you could see that he was being half serious.

"Or we could just go to the cinema like we had decided earlier.." You suggested embarrassed but happy that he loved you that much.

"Sure good idea! Whatever my princess wants." He got up and took out his card with another dab. "Let's go pay for the dress and I'll pay for the cinema too."

"Sounds like a deal. " he kissed you quickly expecting you to get changed but you kissed him back and pull him into the changing room. He seemed surprised at first but then smiled against your lips and went along with it.

"How do you expect me to focus in the cinema now?" He asked between kisses.

"I don't know, but maybe we should share this feeling first and go for the film later. You know to make it easier to carry." You smile up at him with a cheeky smile.

"That sounds good to me. You learn fast." He smirked not breaking eye contact.

"Well I have a good teacher."
He connected your lips again and you made out until you got interrupted by staff politely asking if everything was alright.

Sukai went ahead to pay for the dress while you put on your clothes again.

You both left blushing but even more in love with each other.

Did they make it to the cinema or go home? Up to you... ;)


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