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"Shion look 50 points! My aim is getting better!"

You jump up and down enjoying your success at this game after Shion showed you how to do it over and over again.

At one point he asked you if you were truly bad at it or if you just wanted him to keep holding your hand, to which you answered "both." making him laugh.

"Good job! That's my girl!" He hollered. Shion was waiting for you to get the hang of it before joining in. He was determined to be rich in the arcade money tonight, but he was still being patient for you.
It was typical of him, so gentle with people he loved. The gap between his buff, often misunderstood exterior and his tender, funny heart was really what got you.

After throwing a successful 100 points, Shion clapped his hands.

"The master will now join the game."

He began to play and kept throwing it in the 100 point holes.

"Show off." You stuck your tongue out at him, and he stuck his tongue out too and scored again while facing you.

"Doh I've gone and done it again." He talked with a funny face, so you almost passed out laughing with him.

"Stop!" You giggled wiping the tears from your eyes. "I can't take you anywhere."

You both laughed and continued shooting hoops until the bell signalled the end of the game.

"Nice catch!" Shion said to himself in English as the tickets came out. He looked over at your tickets. "Not bad either!"

"Thanks. How about a rhythm game? " You grinned at him, that was your speciality.

"Bring it." He wrapped an arm around you and kissed your cheek quickly before getting embarrassed. You had been going out for about five months, but Shion was still somewhat shy with public displays of affection. You weren't into it that much either, but it was just funny how embarrassed he would get afterwards when he would be wrapped up with you like a big teddy bear when you were alone with no shame whatsoever.

You both played in the arcade for ages then you went to cool off by sitting on a wall by the beach.

Shion bought some street food for the both of you and took care of the trash. You looked at the last of the daylight disappearing into the sea while waiting for him to come back, when suddenly a bag hanging in front of your face blocked the view.

"Surprise! " He sat down next to you and handed you the bag.

"Thank you!" You exclaim surprised and quickly tried to remember if you had forgotten a special event.

"Just open it." Shion interrupted your thoughts.

You opened it fast: It was his Jo1 Sanrio mascot. It was a design you had never seen before and its size was impressive.

"Do you like it? I got it with my arcade riches. I've been coming here at every opportunity to get this one. "

You couldn't stop looking at it, amazed that he did that for you before looking back at him to see that he was clasping and unclasping his hands waiting for a reaction.

"I love it thanks! How did you even manage to hide this?" You hugged it tightly. Shion smiled and motioned for you to come closer, so you got up and stood between his legs. He hugged you tightly and you kissed his head and hugged him back. "I love you, Shion."

"Hai hai" He hugged you tighter. You stayed like that for while, waiting for him to formulate the words he wanted to say.

"I got this so that you could have something of me when we can't see each other as often, you'll have something to hug and not feel so lonely or something like that..." He mumbled in end. "I remembered how much you love stuffed toys so yeah..."

You kissed him to stop his nervous rambling, then you turned to your handbag and gave him your favourite key ring that you had cherished for years, a cat called Chi." Here you can keep this from now on."

He looked at you happily. "You're giving me your precious Chi?"

"You are far more precious to me now Shion." You kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much, I'm going to take it everywhere now! Well maybe not on stage but everywhere else and I'll take great care of it." He smiled brightly "I love you so much." You hugged him tightly and he rocked you from side to side.

"Should we start walking back now? It's getting late now." You nod and he got up. He held out his hand for you and swung your interlaced hands as you walked.

"I don't want this night to end." Shion sighed as you got closer to your apartment.

He was going to be on tour afterwards so you wouldn't be meeting up for a while. He stopped near enough to the building and wrapped you in a hug, burying his face in your shoulder.

You hugged him back before plucking up the courage to whisper," You can stay over tonight, if you want."

Shion looked at you with a mixture of surprise and hope from your shoulder. "Really?" It would be your first time spending the whole night together.

"Yes, I'm sure." You kissed him and he immediately kissed you back at first gently, then more passionately as he lost awareness of his surroundings.

When you finally broke for air, he rested his head on yours, leaning in to go again.

" Easy Tiger" You grinned against his lips "Let's get inside first."

Nodding he followed you up, both of you eager to pick up from where you left off.

Nodding he followed you up, both of you eager to pick up from where you left off

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When I find good pictures of Shion 😂

When I find good pictures of Shion 😂

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