11-Mame (Issei)

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"Mame? Maaaameee? " You gently nudged your boyfriend sleeping next to you. He creaked one eye open to look at you before closing it again and wrapping his arms around your waist.

" Five more minutes." He mumbled, snuggling closer to your lap. Mame had just come back from a trip the night before so he was pretty sleepy. He looked so adorably comfortable that you didn't want to bother him, but he had told you to wake him up if he didn't get up before 10:30.
Easier said than done.

You gave him the five extra minutes and spent the time stroking his hair and tracing his face gently.

"Issei-chan, more than five minutes have passed. Are you waking up now?" You got no response.

Giggling, you lay down again and kissed his nose. Still nothing. You kissed it again. He twitched.
You switched to his lips, that you pecked at until he started responding too.

" Good you're up!" You smiled cheekily at your still sleep-dazed boyfriend.

"Somewhat." Mame kissed you again before stretching lazily. He was awake now, but you could tell that it would be easy for him to go back to sleep. It was time for your next idea.

"Alright well since you're up, I'll make brunch now." Mame's head lifted from his pillow for the first time that morning.

"That sounds nice." He nodded, rubbing his eyes. You kissed him again before getting off the bed.

"Join me when you're ready." You went to your kitchen and made him a breakfast pizza with a smoothie.

He took his time to emerge from the bedroom, but he did come out wearing his glasses and guided by his nose to join you as you were finishing up.
Sleepy Mame was a cute side you were always happy to see.

He flopped over your shoulder, putting his arms around your waist.
"It looks amazing, thank you." He kissed your cheek.

You smiled and snuggled in his arms "You're welcome sleepyhead. Have you been working out again?"

"Yeah, the guys kept inviting me, so I went to the gym a lot." Mame smiled.

He set up the low table as you brought out the food. He tucked in happily to the pizza straight away after you said itadakimasu. You both ate heartily, sometimes feeding each other, just enjoying that time.

After eating, Mame motioned for you to sit in his lap, so you did. He couldn't help yawning while you straddled him.

"You know, you could have just slept in." You brushed back his hair while he wiped his eyes. "I don't mind, you must be still exhausted." He shook his head.

"Not at all. You replenished me. Besides I wanted to wake up so I could have more time with you."

You instantly blushed and just hid against his chest so that he wouldn't see it. His strong arms held you tighter and he nudged your head to make you look at him again but you were too embarrassed to look up. He nudged you again and smirked " Are you going to waste my efforts?"

"Sorry Issei, you are too dazzling right now. You'll have to excuse me." You snuggled deeper and he laughed.

" You are not excused, show me your face." He nudged you again and attacked you with kisses. During the attack, you lifted your head because you were trying to hold back your laughter. He didn't miss that and kissed your lips, tilting you so that you had to hold on to him. Mame's lips searched for permission to deepen the kiss and you let him.

After a long time, you took a break, breathing heavily. He straightened the both of you, lovely brown eyes looking deep into yours.

" I missed you." He smiled before hugging you again.

" I missed you too." You kissed his neck and he lay you down on the carpet to continue showering you with his love.

" You kissed his neck and he lay you down on the carpet to continue showering you with his love

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