Chapter 1: Dreams and Visions

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Fiery red skies.

Cries of the wounded blaring through the air.

The souls of the dead digging their way into hell.

A lone woman in the center of it all, the beak of the mask tilting as she smirked.


And in that darkness, a glowing ball with two perpendicular lines intersecting on its side.

Zelda awoke to the sound of her own screams and heavy breathing. It was still dark out, and when she took a glance at the clock in her room, its ticks serving no comfort, she saw that it was no other time but the witching hour. Sweat ran down her brow as she fought to recall what she had just seen, but as quickly as she awoke, that sensation of pure fear was gone, and only confusion was left as but mere fractions of her nightmare remained. She wiped her long brown hair away from her face and flipped it over her back, all of which were damp with sweat.

"What the hell," was all she could muster to say, even if it was just a whisper. She could hear the sound of footsteps walking along the hallway to her room, only helping to amp her anxiety.

"Did you piss your pants watching a movie or something?" The sound of her younger twin brother's voice through the door swept away her fear, and instead replaced it with anger.

"No Sheik, I did not piss my pants," she shouted back. "I had a nightmare so I almost did."

"Don't care. Shut up and go to sleep." The sound of his footsteps retreating back to his room in their shared house served to only piss her off even more. Gods he was such a prick. She frowned as she cuddled back into her bed in an attempt to embrace sweet, sweet slumber once more. But every time she closed her eyes, she felt as though she was getting lost in that deep, deep darkness; the more she tried to sleep, to ignore her rapidly beating heart, the more she felt she would see that horrible sight of blood and war again. Safe to say, she did not get a good night's sleep that night.


Her frown was deep and frustrated as she sipped the coffee from her cup, the poor straw getting obliterated in her mouth as she chewed it. Ike and Link, who were sitting across the table from her, stared back at her with that same frown. The three had a stare-off between each other for several minutes, their expressions unwavering, until finally, Zelda's frown became much less upside down.

"Why are you two looking at me like that?"

"We're copying you," Ike said.

"I don't look like that."

"Yeah you do."

"No I don't!" Link reached into his back pocket and awkwardly took his phone out, opening the camera app and holding the phone up to Zelda. Her eyes went wide. "Oh Hylia I do." She slapped her face repeatedly and tried to open her eyes as wide and smile as big as she could, but her facial muscles were way too exhausted to keep that up. She sighed in defeat and slammed her head against the table, leaving the other two flowing with wonder and curiosity.

"What's wrong with you?" Link asked, putting a hand on her head and lightly tapping it.

"Nothing," she answered.

"What a fat lie," Ike said. He leaned his chin on the table and grabbed Zelda's head with his hands, gently lifting it so she was facing him. His eyes went wide once he got a good look at those eyebags, they were dark and heavy and goodness gracious she looked like she was about to die. "Did you even get a wink of sleep last night?"

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