Chapter 19: Poison

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"You fucking bastard, what the hell do you mean you won't look for them?!" Link snarled as he slammed his fist into the table.

Master Hand remained calm, his cold eyes showing not an ounce of remorse. "I must prioritize the lives in this university first, I cannot waste time looking for them when the lives of the many are at stake."

"Are you fucking stupid?! You do realize that not one, but two royals went missing under your watch, right?! Do you know how bad that looks for you?!" Link argued.

"I never said I wouldn't look for them, but I cannot prioritize them until I make sure everyone here is safe," Master Hand said calmly.

"Then will you at least tell the rest of the student body about this darkness bullshit?! So that they can protect themselves against it and all these possessions or whatever can fucking stop?"

"As you can see, I believe it would be better for them not to know, lest they end up like the missing students."

Link clicked his tongue. He kicked the desk, knocking a few things off of it, before turning around and walking out of his office, slamming the door behind him. He left the building, feeling anger and frustration burn inside of him with each step he took. And the sight of his worried friends only served as fuel to the fire.

"No luck, I assume?" Ike said. He looked exhausted, and who could blame him when his friends and the love of his life were suddenly kidnapped with no explanation. He'd gotten treatment for his legs, but he still had a bit of a limp, and with all the walking he had done that morning trying to search for them, Link could only imagine he was in massive amounts of pain.

"No, the bastard refuses to look for them," Link spat. He glanced at Pit, his heart aching as he saw the hurt in the angel's face. He'd explained to them everything he knew, about the darkness and the Smash Ball, and suggested that was the reason for the kidnapping. Link could tell he was suffering, being the only one of the original people who knew that didn't get taken. He put a hand on the angel's shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. He looked up at Link, his eyes slightly swollen. "We'll find them, I promise."

Pit gave a slight smile, but it quickly disappeared. "But how? We have no clues..."

"We have one clue," Peach chirped in. Her eyes were still swollen after a night of tears and pain. "Those ninjas... they were from the Yiga clan or whatever, right? Maybe they took them to their headquarters?"

"It's certainly possible," Link hummed. He turned towards Sheik, possibly the calmest of the bunch. "Listen, I know you're technically not a prince anymore, but can't you just like... take leadership for a while now that Zelda's gone since you still have royal blood."

Sheik's eye twitched. "I... I'm not sure if I'm being perfectly honest, I haven't had anything to do with the Hyrulian Royal Court in years, after all. I'll contact Impa and see, but if anything, she might be giving out the order to search instead of me since by all technicality she's the official regent."

"As long as something gets done," Link sighed, squeezing the space between his eyebrows. "Regardless, we should do our own search and-"

Suddenly, a hiss was heard from up above. Link looked up in a hurry, only to be met face-to-face with a lizalfos. "What the-?!" Link groaned as he shielded himself with his arms, pushed into the ground as the lizard pinned him down. He tried to push the monster off of him, turning its face away from him so that he didn't end up losing his due to it biting him. Ike managed to shove the monster off of Link, which gave the knight the opportunity to take out his secret knife and stab the monster to death.

He panted heavily, wiping the lizalfos' blood off his face as he turned to face the others, who looked behind him with sheer horror. Link looked behind him, his eyes widening as he saw a hoard of monsters making their way straight for them.

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