Chapter 18: Below

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"What... her...?"

"...awake... but...breathing..."


Zelda groaned, the loud sounds from beyond her eyelids irritating her eardrums. She tried to open her eyes, but the more she tried, the more she felt like they had been glued shut. Finally, after several instances of scrunching and un-scrunching her face, whatever was keeping her eyes shut cracked, and she was able to open them. Only to be met by darkness. From what little she could see, she appeared to be in some sort of dungeon made out of bricks, and the only tid bit of light she could see was that of a torch much further away from where she was.

Carefully, and painfully, she sat up, feeling more like her brain was about to explode. She heard a gasp beside her. "Zelda!" Robin cheered, his smile bright even in this darkness. "How do you feel? Are you alright?"

"Considering she looks like she just came out of a slasher movie, I sincerely doubt it," she heard Marth say, his voice sounding like it came from the other side of the cell.

"I'm... alright, I think," Zelda groaned, a sudden feeling of nausea settling in. "But my vision's blurry, and my hearing is more sensitive than ever. Is everyone okay? Where are we?"

"In a cell, all of us together. We're less than ideal but, you know, alive, at least," she heard Shulk say. She tried looking in his direction, and she could faintly make out his blond hair and Marth's blue. They also appeared to be wearing white clothing, as did Robin, and when she looked down at herself, she found that she was wearing them, too. There was, however, one other blonde with white clothes she didn't see.

"Where's Samus?!" She asked desperately. None of them could even look at her, none of them could answer her. But a piercing scream did, it echoed through the halls, making the hearts of any who heard it break in an instant. Zelda looked in its direction with horror. "No..."

Marth nodded. "They took her soon after we woke up here, we don't know what they're doing to her but-" another scream "-we can take a pretty decent guess."

Zelda pressed her lips together and furrowed her eyebrows, an action that only brought her pain. "Dammit," she groaned. She tried to move forwards but was pulled back immediately by the cuffs and chain that restrained her to the wall. They were magic-sealing cuffs, too, so that gets rid of erased the possibility of escaping using her magic. And her hands just had to be tied so closely to it, too. "There are no windows, right?"

"Yep, it's all brick," Marth said.

Zelda groaned. No getting a look at her surroundings either, it seemed. They could be anywhere in Hyrule right now, hell they might not even be in Hyrule. It was evident that the Yiga had been hired by whomever was behind the darkness to kidnap those who knew about it, and goddess knows where the hell they had taken them.

The sound of footsteps disrupted her thoughts, and she eagerly looked to see if Samus had somehow managed to escape. Instead, she was met with horror. A tall moblin dragged her limp body across the floor, not a care in the world if more harm would come to her. He opened the door using magic, then threw her in. "Samus!" They all shouted as Zelda tried to move closer to her, once again being stopped by the chains that kept her tied down. Her vision still wasn't working properly, but she could see the blood stains riddled all over Samus' body, and her ankles didn't appear to be... articulated correctly either, to say the least.

Marth, who was the closest to her, managed to lean down and press his ear against her chest. After a moment, he sighed in relief. "She's breathing, her heart beat's a little slow, but she's alright," he said.

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