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The warm spring breeze brushed his golden blonde hair to the side, and with it carried the scent of fresh grass as well as the smell of a newly fashioned meal. The crown prince took a deep breath as he tried to decipher what ingredients had been put into it-- mushrooms, he thought, some fish, and herbs. The mere thought of tasting it made his mouth water, but he didn't want to replicate the waterfall beside him, so he shut his lips before he ended up embarrassing himself.

He redid the ponytail that was holding the rest of his hair back, taking careful note of all those annoying strands that had yet to grow out. He thought they would've grown out by now, but alas his babyhairs proved to be unfixable. Once he was done, he leaned forward, putting his arms on his knees, as he stared at the sun that stood high above the mountains surrounding Kakariko.

Somberly, he said, "It's only been a year, huh?" He glanced at the grave beside him, which was in perfect condition and had remained as such since the day it was first installed. The Silent Princesses which he had laid out when he first arrived swayed with the wind.

He looked back at the mountains. "To be honest, it's felt like an eternity for me." He felt his throat burn as he struggled to get his words out. "I... I still can't fully forgive myself for what happened. I've tried to, I really have, but... it might take a little while longer." A stray tear fell from his eye. "I miss you."

Before any more of his tears even threatened to fall, however, he wiped his eyes and gave himself a couple of smacks on the face. "Sorry, I'm being a downer, that wasn't my intention."

"I actually came here to give you some, uh, updates, I guess. I figured you'd want them after a whole year," he said.

He was silent for several minutes, a nervous smile plastered on his face, before succumbing to his frustrations as he let out a drawn out sigh and hugged his knees to his chest. "My coronation is in two months, quite literally the day after I graduate. I don't know if I'm ready-- no, I'm not ready, but Impa refuses to let the Hylian throne be empty for any longer. That damn hag."

He chuckled, "I bet she was pressuring you too, wasn't she? I mean, I understand where she's coming from. The throne's technically been empty for over a decade at this point. Even if she weren't ushering me, I'd still ascend the throne soon after I graduate since being king of Hyrule is kinda the only job I can have." His lips formed into a tiny pout as he leaned his chin on his knees. "Still, she could've at least given me a week between graduating and the coronation. The others and I were planning on going drinking after the ceremony was over, but I guess that isn't happening anymore.

"Even Samus and Peach were going to join! I haven't been able to talk to them much since they graduated last year, since Peach also ascended the throne soon after and Samus has stuck to her side ever since. It would've been nice to hang out with them, but I guess we'll just have to save it for another day.

"Now that I think about it, I think Marth's ascension ceremony is also taking place not long after we graduate. I guess us royals are just kinda fucked in the freedom department, huh. I told Link he was free to go live with Marth and become his guard once he graduated, but then I got my ass kicked while we were training together and I think that was his answer. I'm glad those two are back together, though, I hope they stay close.

"Robin graduated early, he somehow managed to get all the credits he needed last semester, and now he's working as a historian in the royal castle of Ylisse. He's not nearly as busy as Samus or Peach though--wonder why-- so we still see him pretty often. Also, you know how none of you guys were sure whether or not he actually had a boyfriend? Well he does, and its the future exalt of Ylisse. So I guess he's also gonna be royalty, eventually. Probably.

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