Minho's party 🐰 1

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Lazing around the couch of your living room, you watched a boring movie, feeding yourself with popcorn from a glass bowl that lay on your stomach. The apartment was already cleaned, you went grocery shopping yesterday and had nothing better to do than be lazy.

Your best friend, Changbin, was out of town otherwise you'd hang out with him and this movie would've been 100 times more interesting with his "insightful" comments. For example, he'd say that the main character's breath stinks before he'd kiss the female MC, or that her clothes are boring, or that the pizza they ordered looks old and inedible.

You giggle at the thought of Changbin but then stop as your phone vibrates under your ass. Picking it up, your smile grows instantly.

"Speak of the devil," you scoff, seeing the profile picture of the message sender. Unlocking your phone, you tap the message bubble to get pulled into the chat with Changbin. The message he sent you reads:

"Hey, girl! Guess who's back~
Yeah, it's me!
Anywayz, I wanna throw a party
to celebrate a successfully finished job
(and my return home lol)
but my apartment is a mess.
So, Minho offered to do it
and it's tonight!
Everybody will be there!
And I'm expecting to
see you at his house too!
I don't take "no" or any
other excuse for an answer!"

You giggle while reading the text, "hearing" Changbin through the words. And what he offered was a perfect thing to break the boredom glass dome you were stuck in. So you reply with:

"Haha, welcome back, Bin!
And, don't worry,
I'm not on my period or anything.

I'll be there for sure.

I was getting bored out of my mind
so thank you for inviting me. :)"

You press "send" but then remember another thing, typing one quick message to go with the previous one:

"Oh, one more thing...
Will Jeongin be there?"

You send this message as well and notice that he read it. A small bubble appears on the other side of the screen, signaling to you that he is typing. And the longer it took, the more nervous you got, biting on your nail. Your heart is racing as you're waiting. Finally, the bubble pops up with his reply:

"Nice, I'll come and pick you up at 8.
And yes, of course, he will be there.
I told you that everyone will come.
And, seriously, you have to calm down
about this whole mess with him...
It's not even that big of a deal!!!
You JUST spilled his coffee, that's all!
Chill out!"

But you couldn't chill out because the situation with Jeongin wasn't chill. You huff out a sigh but it's not calming you down at all. Your fingers run all around the keyboard, typing a reply to Changbin. And send!

"Changbin, it IS a big deal!
He surely won't want to
see me at the party...
Because I didn't JUST
spill his coffee...

I spilled it on his new

You literally let out all of your worry in this text, in all caps, hoping that Changbin will see through it and understand your feelings. Dots danced on his side until you got an ALL CAPS reply in return:

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