Seungmin's party 🐶 1

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This year's Christmas Eve party is going to be at Kim Seungmin's family apartment - his parents went on a trip to Bali, and his older sister was with her friends, so the boy had a big apartment all for himself. And Seungmin, being a cautious and organized Virgo, wanted to "play safe" so he invited only those people whom he trusted wouldn't make a mess out of the apartment or break any (or every) expensive piece his parents owned around the place.

And you learned that he only invited his seven close friends, including you, a few minutes ago while shopping for Secret Santa gifts with Chan.

"And I'll be the only girl there?! What?! Not fair, Chan!" you protest, stomping your foot like a toddler as Chan scans the shelves for something interesting to buy.

He spares you an apologetic look, followed by a shrug, "Not my rules but... I'm sorry?"

You sigh, gripping the small clay Santa figurine in your hands. You thought you'd break it so you leave it back on the shelf.

"I'm gonna have a word with Seungmin... He didn't say anything but put the responsibility of inviting me to his party on you," you continue your rant, pushing the shopping cart as you're walking behind Chan.

"Sorry, I thought you knew..." Chan smiles and you nod your head in understanding.

"It's not your fault," you sigh and suddenly gasp as you see the best revenge gift on the shelf next to you. "This will teach him a lesson!" you giggle and Chan steps back, hearing your wicked laugh.

"You're his Secret Santa but..." Chan tilts his head, contemplating your gift choice, "A dildo? Really?"

"Yes," you beam a smile at him, "So that he can fuck himself!" you shout but cover your mouth next, seeing how some customers turned to you by hearing your loud voice and vulgar words.

Chan sighs and comes to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, "Please reconsider your choice..."

"Nope! This is perfect," you nod and drop the package in the cart, "He should learn not to keep the details for himself, keeping me out of everything you guys do... and it's not even his first time to exclude me from things you guys do!"

Chan tries to talk you out of it but you keep repeating "nope" to his every sentence and question, only answering "yes" when he repeatedly asks you the same question: "Are you sure about this?"

You settled in Chan's car, your witch-like laughter emerging every time you think of the shock and laughter that will dominate the room once Seungmin opens his present. Chan sighs again and starts the car, eyeing the bag with the shameless (wrapped) present you held in your lap.

"So, what are you going to wear tonight?" Chan asks, wanting to change the topic and the evil mood you set.

"Oh! Yeah!" your face changes from evil to exciting as you remember the new piece of clothing you recently bought, "I have a killer dress for tonight. It's so sexy!" you wiggle your shoulders and Chan laughs, "Not that I'm going to try and seduce any of you guys," you roll your eyes, "Especially since Mr. Prideful, Seo Changbin, dissed my ass last week 'cause I wore sweats at his party."

"Yeah..." Chan clicks his tongue as he turns into the next street, "I had a word with him after you went home."

"He probably doesn't want to see me but I don't give a fuck," you say, annoyance building up in your chest, "He'll see that under these baggy clothes hides a killer body. He's just bitter that we're friends and he can't fuck me but doesn't know how to say it," you shrug.

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