Jisung's party 🐹 1

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Han Jisung has become a regular guest at your apartment. Although he didn't have a roommate to share his place with, he very much preferred to stay at your small apartment, sometimes even living there for a whole week. The longest he stayed was eight days before he ran off to his flat after receiving a call from his mother who unexpectedly decided to give him a visit. If she didn't call, he would have continued living with you. That day, you rushed with him to help him clean before Mrs. Han arrived.

Yet, something strange happened three days ago when the two of you were gaming after you came back home as your shift at the restaurant ended.

"How about we throw a New Year's party at my place?" Jisung asked and you dropped the game controller just as you dropped your jaw.

A few moments of silence lasted after his question and before you burst laughing, your stomach hurting from the pressure. But Jisung continued watching you, slightly frowning and madly blushing.

"W-wait..." you recollected yourself, wiping the laughing tears. You stopped laughing completely after noticing that his face didn't show a slight hint that his question was a joke, "Wait... you're serious?!" you raised your brows and Jisung's lips formed a straight line as he nodded to you, "Nuh-ah. I'm not falling for that," you shook your head, "You're only throwing this party so that I will stay and clean the flat after. I'm not gonna do it."

"No! It's not that!!" Jisung shouted, scooting over and taking your hands in his. You looked up and into his doe eyes, glimmering in some strange mix of sorrow and pettiness. "It's just that we've been to every guy's place and never had a party at my apartment," he pouted and you sighed, putting your hand on his cheek to bring his face up.

"And did you ask yourself why is that, Ji?" you raised a brow yet he continued twisting his lips, not giving you an answer, "Your place is always a mess, wrecked and straight-up dirty with snack packets and bottles everywhere. You have to stop being a hoarding squirrel and actually clean the flat regularly."

"I promise to make it my New Year's resolution," he smiled big, squeezing your hands.

You sighed, "You said that last year..."

"But this time, I'll keep my promise!" his face lit up and you sighed again, trying to blindly believe him.

After Jisung told the other guys his decision, none of them was on board with it but his pouty lips and doe eyes somehow convinced them so here you are now, in Jisung's apartment, vacuuming the floors and humming a song playing from his computer.

A sudden kiss on your cheek startles you and you turn your head to see a smiling boy beside you, "Thanks for helping me out," Jisung says into your ear and you nod, shooing him away.

There is less than four hours before the guys arrive and the two of you need to get this place ready. And since it is just you and the guys and since this will be a relaxed home party, you didn't give much thought to your outfit, wearing sweatpants and a wide t-shirt, pairing it all with a pair of Converse.

You turn off the vacuum cleaner, looking around the living room that is starting to look cleaner than before yet there is still more work needed to be done. But you hear a doorbell and call for Jisung to open it but he shouts back from the bathroom.

"I'm taking the biggest shit right now! Go open it!" his voice echoes and you grimace.

You roll your eyes and shiver in disgust, approaching the front door, "You don't have to be so specific, idiot!" you laugh and open the door but your smile drops upon seeing the tall boy, frowning at you.

He fakes a smile, "Oh, if it isn't our favorite cleaning lady?" he grins wider and you roll your eyes.

"Go bark at someone else, you annoying Labrador," you push the door to close it but he steps forward and blocks the door with his foot.

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