Chan's party 🐺 1

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You're continuously pacing through your living room, unable to calm yourself after the phone call you just received. At one point you stop and slap your cheeks with both hands, immediately feeling the heat they're emitting.

"Oh, fuck..." you mumble to yourself but then glance at the wall clock to see that you still have two more hours until the party. "That is enough time to calm myself down... Right?" you whine, still talking to yourself.

Unable to reassure yourself, you plop down on the sofa, covering your face with your hands.

"Fuck... Why must it be him out of all the people on this planet?!" you whine to yourself again, stomping your legs.

But you calm down a bit and uncover your face, staring at the ceiling above your head. Taking a deep breath, you try to break through the slideshow of images your mind plays for you - images of his smiling face, muscled arms, abs, broad shoulders, ... And to make it harder, your mind adds to that the sound of his laugh, as well as the sound of his low voice, and the feeling of his touch.

"Shut up!!!" you yell and jump off the sofa, storming to the bathroom to take a cooling shower in the hope it'll completely calm your thoughts and body.

In short, you have a crush on one of your closest friends - Bang Chan - and he just invited you to a party he's hosting tonight.

And it's well known that people always hook up at Chan's parties, the atmosphere is just like... that.

But, for some reason, you never hooked up at those events because Chan and the boys acted as your guards, keeping you away from the horny men there.

And you were always nervous at these parties, especially since you realized your feelings for Chan because he's always been extra protective of you, sometimes even getting into an argument when other boys in your friend group flirted "a little too much" with you. You didn't want to make yourself delusional and give yourself false hope that maybe he liked you back. You would always put those thoughts under control whenever he'd pinch your cheek and call you his "little baby", acting as if he was talking to a baby sister, not someone he has feelings for.

Thinking about that, you step out of the shower, now having your heart under control again.

"Yeah, it'll be just a normal party," you smile to yourself, wrapping the big towel around your naked body, "We'll joke around, laugh, drink, and just have fun... no feelings attached. Because we're friends."

Your pep talk seems to work just for a second because those words hit you and you start to feel the sadness wrap around your heart, squeezing it painfully.

"Fuck..." you curse again, biting your lip because you didn't have the option to cry and puff up your face right before the party.

You walk to your room which is right across the bathroom and open your wardrobe, choosing the simple outfit combination - dark gray wide t-shirt, black sweatpants, and Converse sneakers. You place the clothes on your bed and dry yourself, leaving your hair loose to let it dry in the air. You put on your underwear and gray shirt, heading to the kitchen to put some food in your nervous stomach in order to calm it down.

You make yourself a simple ham sandwich and go back to the living room, turning on the TV to distract yourself from your messy thoughts.

A message pings on your phone as you are in the middle of your bite and you roll your eyes at the sender's name. You take your phone and open his message to read it fully.

"I heard you're coming
to Chan's party tonight...
Better stay at home
if you're just gonna sit
in a corner for
the whole night...
The guys aren't your

Partying with Stray Kids [SKZ ONE-SHOTS] ⏸️Where stories live. Discover now