Felix's party 🐥 1

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Holding the bar of the shopping cart, you are walking close behind your best friend who is filling the cart with different alcoholic drinks. The bottles clink the more he adds.

"Umm... Felix... Don't you think this is enough alcohol for one night?" you ask and he swiftly turns to you, glaring.

Felix raises a finger as if he's about to lecture you, "There's never enough alcohol for a party," he hisses but then smiles big and skips to you, "I just got my driver's license and I wanna celebrate," he happily grins.

"By letting half of the city in your apartment to drink and party?" you raise your brow and Felix rolls his eyes.

"You're such a mood-killer," he groans and returns to pick up more bottles for his "celebration".

"You're a light drinker, Felix!" you add, hurrying to catch up to him.

"Shut up~~" he sings, grabbing another bottle of strong tequila. "Oh, we'd need some lemon for this. Let's go!" he chirps and turns to the fruit aisle where he also decides that you will make a big bowl of fruit punch.

After he brushed off all your complaints, Felix advances to the snack aisle and shoves bags of chips and whatnot in the cart and you pray for his bank account.

The two of you store all of the food and drinks in the trunk of your car and drive off to Felix's apartment to get everything ready for tonight. And since you basically live in the same building, you can stay with Felix and help him set everything up without a rush.

You decide to let the food be on you so you cash and tip the pizza boy when he brought to you ten large pizzas of different toppings. It was almost time for people to start gathering at Felix's place and he already turned on the music and had a drink.

"Felix... easy with the alcohol," you raise your brow, watching him pour himself another cup of beer. He scoffs and brushes it off, taking a big gulp. You roll your eyes again and set the pizza boxes on the dining room table, "Don't say I didn't warn ya."

But Felix just shrugs and happily skips to the door after the bell rings. He opens it, revealing three guys from your friend group. And only then do you notice that you didn't change clothes - you're still wearing your baggy jeans and a wide white shirt. But you shrug and decide to go with it, feeling comfortable in this outfit.

The guys stream inside and notice you right away. They happily greet you but are more happy to see fresh steamy pizza on the table. You basically act as a mom at this point, handing everyone a slice on a carton plate and a napkin, while the real party host keeps drinking and shouting, jumping around to the beat of the music.

The doorbell rings again and Felix runs to open it while you're serving pizza to the people. As you're done and people scatter, you see a guy standing there like a statue, looking at you. You'd find it creepy if it wasn't Bang Chan.

You roll your eyes and plop the last piece in the box on the plate, going to hand it to him.

"Pizza?" you ask and notice his brows slightly furrow as he takes a step back from you.

"What are you doing here?" Chan asks and you sigh, lowering the plate. You roll your eyes again.

"Helping Felix with this party," you answer and raise the plate again, "So, pizza?"

"I thought this would be a guys' night..." he frowns more and you're already getting annoyed that he ignored your pizza offer for the second time.

"Well, you thought wrong, Chan, so do you want this pizza or not?!" you raise your voice a bit and he frowns more.

"No," he finally answers your question and turns on his heel, going to the already rowdy living room.

You mock him behind his back, sticking out your tongue, and take the pizza slice for yourself, taking a big bite. You sigh in delight, loving the taste of fresh pepperoni and stretchy cheese. 

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