Hyunjin's party 🥟 1

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Bang Chan rings the doorbell of Hyunjin's enormous house, waiting for his friend to open. He had nothing better to do this weekend so Chan accepted Hyunjin's offer to help him prepare everything needed for the big party tonight - Hyunjin signed a huge deal with a foreign company and wanted to celebrate getting this job in style.

"Channie!" Hyunjin's face beams upon seeing his older friend.

"Hey there, Jinnie," Chan smiles big, pulling Hyunjin into a tight manly hug, "Congrats on getting the job, bro."

Two men separate and Hyunjin pats Chan on the back one last time, "Thanks, hyung," he starts talking, leading Chan inside the house, "It still feels surreal, especially the fact that I need to be in Milan on Monday."

"Already?" Chan gasps and Hyunjin nods, "So, this will also be a 'so long' party for your departure?"

Hyunjin laughs, "Don't make it sound sad like that, Chan. It's not like I'm going on a moon and won't see you guys again."

"But still... Europe..." Chan sighs and Hyunjin shrugs, leading the way to the kitchen.

"That's why I want this party to be grand - I need to go out in style," Hyunjin flicks his hair and Chan laughs. But then Hyunjin remembers something and turns to Chan, grabbing his shoulders, "I almost forgot... Did you invite her?!"

Chan sighs, pushing Hyunjin's hands away from his shoulders, "I didn't," Chan replies, and Hyunjin's face changes from excited to sad. The taller male starts walking away and Chan hurries behind him, "I still don't think that's a good idea, Hyune. I know you're leaving the country but I don't think she should come to the party - you don't need to leave with a broken heart... again."

Hyunjin swiftly turns, his brows furrowed, "And how do you know if I'll have a broken heart after tonight, Chan?!" he pauses, realizing that his voice was a bit higher, "I'm sorry but... I need her. I know you're just looking after me but..."

Chan sighs, seeing his friend getting sadder, "Alright, I'll call her," he reluctantly agrees and Hyunjin smiles big, jumping to hug his friend.

"Thank you, Channie!" Hyunjin giggles and breaks the hug, "I promise - she won't break my heart, so you don't have to worry."

Hyunjin happily skips to the kitchen, humming a song as he places the big plastic red cups on the counter. Chan sighs and turns the corner, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He doesn't really want to do this because he cares for Hyunjin but he also wants Hyunjin to be happy so he selects a contact on his list and presses the calling button.

After a few rings, a female voice answers and Chan invites her to Hyunjin's party even though he, personally, doesn't want her there but, as said, Chan cares for Hyunjin so he forces a smile when she agrees to come tonight.

When that is taken care of, Chan joins Hyunjin in the kitchen for them to set everything up before the guests arrive.

The night comes and you throw yourself one last glance in the tall mirror in your bedroom, loving how the black dress you recently bought hugs your waist and then falls loose around your things. You grab the black purse from your bed and get out of the bedroom as the taxi is already waiting in front of your apartment.

Arriving at Hyunjin's house, you see that a lot of people are streaming inside the loud big house. The music is blasting and people are dancing around, some girls grinding on their male partners. You clutch your purse so as not to lose it in the crowd because there's a small gift in it, which you want to give to Hyunjin upon seeing him.

But the crowd is big and you see none of your friends around, even on your tippy toes. You sigh and somehow make it to the bar where a rented barman is mixing drinks. Trying to grab his attention, you raise your hand, but the barman doesn't notice you, pouring and serving delicious cocktails to a couple of girls in front of him. A lot of people are crowding the bar, pushing through to get their chance of drinking something good.

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