Changbin's party 🐷 1

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Bang Chan is sitting in the armchair across from you, waiting for your pout to ease up. But you keep shaking your leg, your arms still crossed in front of you.

"I said no! Stop looking at me like that!" you burst at him and Chan sighs. He's not moving from the chair. His persistence is on another level.

"It will be a perfect opportunity for the two of you to make up," he repeats the words he told you not even five minutes ago and you roll your eyes, clicking your tongue after.

"Chan... I don't know why you even try, bro. He doesn't want me near him especially not at his party... And feelings are mutual," you say and Chan raises his brow, watching you quizzically.

"You fought over the last slice of pizza... two weeks ago!" he yells now, "It's ridiculous and it's been going on for far too long," he says and you sigh again, having a feeling as if you're being lectured.

"Yes, Chan, because who in their right mind nowadays tells a girl that she's fat?! Only a lame guy who doesn't eat the pizza crust!" you shout back and Chan rolls his eyes. "Yes, I did call him fat first... as a joke! But that doesn't give him the right to say it back to me! And he wasn't joking! He shouted it back in a serious and angry tone!"

You remember the night at Changbin's house two weeks ago when you and the boys gathered for a movie night. It was all fun and games until you two reached for the last slice of pizza at the same time. You called him out, telling Changbin that he had too many slices, adding "fatso" at the end of your sentence, on which he burst, snatched the slice, bit on it, and called you fat in return. His loud shout was followed by silence from the group who had their eyes darting from Changbin to you, keeping their stares on you to see your reaction. You called Changbin an "asshole", sprung up from the floor where you all have been sitting, and stormed out of his house, speed walking down the sidewalk until Chan caught up to you and drove you home. The oldest tried to calm you down, promising that he'll talk to Changbin and reason him up, but it has already been two weeks since you stopped talking to the group's dwaekki.

Bang Chan sighs again and stands up from the comfy armchair. He starts walking towards the door but stops to look at you one last time, "Think about it... It'd be stupid if you end your years-long friendship over something like that..."

He exists your apartment, leaving you sitting in the living room. Chan left with clear intention to make you think things through and, the more you thought about it, the more it all made sense.

You huff and spring up from the sofa, marching to your bedroom. Mumbling out your annoyance, you pull a simple white t-shirt and a pair of jeans from the closet. You put on the shirt and, as it convers your upper body, you remember one specific day last year...

You and the guys were at the pool, having fun by swimming and splashing around, barely leaving the water. But when you came to the spot where you laid the towel, you found out that someone stole your bag where your phone and clothes were. Luckily, you left your wallet at home that day because the guys offered to pay for everything. And when it was time for you to leave, Changbin noticed you shaking as the wet bikini started cooling off on your skin so he pulled a spare shirt from his bag and offered it to you. You went to change and wrapped the towel around your lower half, embarrassed to be close to the guys practically naked. But, you were more embarrassed as Changbin's scented shirt touched your upper body, it's warmth soothing you.

Time passed and you never returned the shirt - both of you forgot about it, to be honest - so, to make matters better, you decide to wear it tonight and ease the tense situation with Changbin by throwing in the "embarrassing pool story".

You chuckle, calming down the fury you had towards your friend. As Chan said - it was a stupid reason for an argument and it took two stupid people to make a big deal out of it.

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