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Season 2, episode 20

Season 2, episode 20

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Sophie was squished in between Spencer and Aria in the middle of the school corridor, waiting for Emily to emerge from the girl's locker rooms. The school was buzzing with pride after the shark's win in the latest swim meet. 

A few in feet in front of them, Sophie could see a grinning Maya holding a cute sign in her hands and the blonde couldn't help but smile at her friends happiness. 

Much to the other girl's displeasure, Sophie had agreed to meet with the caller from the phone number they found in Vivian's coat. The blonde didn't exactly know what she was getting herself into with meeting this man, whoever he was. But they needed answers, and they needed them fast. Besides, it wasn't like she was going alone anyway. 

It calmed Sophie's nerves knowing the other girls were going to be there, but it didn't calm them completely. The fact still stood that they were meeting a random man that only their dead friend had spoken to. 

"Where are they?" Spencer asked from besides her, distracting the blonde from her lingering thoughts. 

"Spence calm down" Sophie said, "anyway, I told my mom we'd be studying at the library, so that's covered" 

"Good" Spencer muttered. 

"Are you sure you wanna do this tonight?" Aria asked. 

"Yeah are you kidding?" Spencer scoffed, "We have to find out what this guys knows about Ali"

"And why his number was in Ali's - Vivian's coat" Aria added. 

"And we finally got this meeting set so it's got to be tonight" Spencer nodded, but Sophie could hear the slight edge in her voice, "look, we're going to have your back the whole time"

"I know" Sophie replied, offering the taller brunette a small smile. 

A small silence followed their brief conversation. 

Unbeknownst to Aria, there was a whole other reason to Spencer's nerves. It had been a week since the girl found out that Jason was in fact her brother. And seeing as the only other person who knew of this was Sophie, it meant that Spencer had spent the past week crashing at the blonde's house. 

Obviously, it also led to a lot of questions from both Chris and Joanne, although the two adored Spencer and the rest of the girls, they wanted to know why the Hastings girl was practically living with them. 

Sophie had remained tight lipped when it came to her parents, telling them as little as possible, she simply told them that Spencer had gotten into a serious argument with her parents and that she would inform the Langford couple when the time was right. 

"So, my mom talked to your mom" Sophie said awkwardly, turning to Spencer, "I mean, it's not just been one sleepover Spence, it's been a whole week, she just wants to know why you don't want to go home. It's the family lawyer side of her coming out, but I just told her you'd tell her when you're ready" 

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