𝟑.𝟎𝟗 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙆𝘼𝙝𝙣 𝙜𝘼𝙢𝙚

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season 3, episode 9

season 3, episode 9

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Sophie Langford had finally tipped off the edge. Every time she thought that she had hit rock bottom, her feet would slip and she would find yet another endless vast of water below her. 

This time however, she was sure that nothing could get worse. No amount of pain or suffering would compare to the heartbreak she was feeling right now. 

It had been exactly three hours, twenty-one minutes and forty-three seconds since Jason Dilaurentis had left. Since Sophie's heart was completely shattered by the one person, she thought would be capable of doing such a thing. 

Perhaps the thing that hurt Sophie the most was knowing that this was the right decision. She knew that letting him leave was the best thing to do in their situation, and it only added to the hurt. 

The final blow to the stomach for the blonde, was knowing that the once person she would always turn to in times like this was gone. 

She had no one. 

Sophie lay on her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling as a few stray tears fell randomly down her cheek, wetting the silk pillows below her. Her phone lay besides her, turned off so as to block out the rest of the world. Besides, if it wasn't Jason calling, why would she answer?

There was a small nagging voice in her head saying that she was just being over-dramatic. Her and Jason were only taking a break whilst he worked on his sobriety, they hadn't broken up. But why did it feel like they did. 

If this was how she felt when they went on a break, how would Sophie cope if they ever truly broke up? 

A gentle knock at her door broke the blonde girl from her thoughts. She heard her bedroom door slowly open and from the corner of her eye she saw her brother make his way into her room. She didn't even bother to turn her head and look at Blake, but she only knew he was sitting down next to her when she felt the bed dip under his weight. 

"Mom and V have gone out with the Hastings for dinner and Chris is working late" Blake told her, "so mom said it's up to you to sort dinner"

"I'm not hungry so you order takeout or something" Sophie muttered back, her voice hoarse. 

"Are you alright?" Blake asked after a moment of silence, "has it gone anything to do with that Jason guy leaving?"

Sophie's eyes shot to her brother as he spoke. For the first time in what Sophie could say was her life, her younger brother actually looked concerned over the blonde's current state. 

And it was true, Blake Langford was never one to show he cared. Of course he did, he cared about his siblings much more than he would ever admit. He was always so used to seeing Sophie as this carefree bitch and seeing her torn up over some boy fueled him with a feeling he didn't even knew existed. 

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | Jason DilaurentisWhere stories live. Discover now