Is It Just Me?

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Aks was with ash both cuddling and hugging each other on a beach lying in the sand, both there worries washed off sweat dripping of their bodies from the hot sun, their breath looming over each others face. Ash said "I have always wanted this Aks" and leaned in for a kiss. But then Aks heard a voice,

"Aks wake up, don't you wanna go to school?"

Aks woke up instantly and realized it was just a beautiful dream. A week had passed since he first saw Ash but he hadn't even started talking to him. He remembered that moment like it was just a jiffy ago. The face staring and at him and him staring at that face, sparkles in his eyes but none in his. And then he remembered that Ash's face had no expression when looking at him, he started thinking "Is this just a one-sided crush?!". This made his head shake in worry that Ash was not even interested in him.

In the whole Aks had only thought of approaching Ash but had only tried it once. In that time, when Aks greeted Ash, he didn't even seem to look at Aks, Aks felt an embarrassing wave wash over him as he turned around went the other way faster than wind. But today he had made his mind, he was going to talk to Ash today no matter what. He really wanted an assurance if Ash even wanted to talk to him.

On the other hand, Ash also had been feeling a sense of weirdly happy feeling since he had saw Aks, but he didn't know what it was, he didn't hate it but was confused by it. He had thought of talking to Aks but whenever he saw him. That feeling came over him and he would just fall silent. Ash was a wierdo he talked very much and did idiotic stuff like it was his daily routine, he talked to teachers like they were his relatives, talked weirdly and cracked annoying jokes and laughed at any random moment, his laugh was quite like a cat growling. But still Aks liked those things.

Aks got to school early as always and was sitting there waiting eagerly for Ash to come. The teens started coming in Kun sat next to Aks. He said Hi but Aks was lost in his own mind, thinking of what he would say to Ash today. Kun clapped in front of Aks face and he got startled. "You Okay?" Kun asked, Aks said he was fine but Kun still felt that something was bothering him and he set out to know what. Kun was like that to be there for his friends always, but he had no luck in love by now. He planned that he would keep spying on him the whole day.

Then Ash came in with his half full bag and fully filled smile and Aks got stunned again by looking at him. Kun noticed that. During lunch break, Aks walked towards Ash and said "Hi, I'm Aks", Ash turned around and saw Aks and he got that weird feeling again, he fell silent looking like a bored guy. Aks got scared that his fear was true and he started turning around but then Ash said "Hey Aks, you are the new kid right?". Aks turned around joyfully and said "Yeah". Ash said "Would you like to lunch together?". Aks saw that sparkle in Ash's eyes he was wishing to see but in his anxious and scared Aks denied and turned around again, left the class quickly.

Ash felt like he should follow him but then reluctantly stopped himself. Aks kept going and went towards school cycle stand. He started screaming at himself in frustration, he said:

"Why did I do that? I wanted to have lunch with him should have said yes stupid bastard."

"Why do i still feel relieved after talking to him. Ash, Ash, Ash..... What are you doing to my brain? You just keep becoming more fonder and lovelier whenever i see you. Am i in love? Is he in love with me? What's happening to me??!!"

"Did we just become friends or did i blow this?"

During this screaming he heard a small gasp, when he turned to look for the source he saw Kun, Hritz and Prim quickly backing up from behind a wall. They had heard it all and Aks was as stunned as the three of them were. They kept looking at each other then Hritz started laughing and slowly all four of them started laughing.

When the laughter stopped, Aks started to try to explain to them what they heard but Kun interrupted, "No need to explain, I saw it all your talk with him and this outburst all three of us did". He felt very ashamed and to add insult to injury Prim started singing "Aks and Ash sitting under the tree K-I-SS-I-N-G".

They talked about everything and came to an agreement that they won't tell anyone anything and went back to class like nothing happened. There Aks saw Ash again this time coming towards him and all four them had there reactions. Ash came to Aks and said "Heyyyy, sorry if I made u feel weird, you ran so suddenly I didn't get to say anything." "It's nothing" Aks said "I'm just weird and anxious."

Ash said "No, you seem cool to me. Wanna be friends?" Aks felt like he was in another world the little whispers of Kun, Hritz and Prim behind him got silent. Aks said "Sure, You are very cu...". Kun covered Aks mouth with his and said "He is saying yes but we gotta go it's something important sorry" and the three of them took him away. Ash smiled went to his seat. And Aks said "What the hell are you doing?". Hritz said "Are you a complete idiot, you don't tell someone they are cute immediately after you meet them, that's corny!".  All four of them laughed it off.

Then school ended and as Aks was going towards his house, he realized that he still hadn't confirmed about that one-sided crush. But he figured that answer to the question will come very soon he could feel it in his heart. That question being: "Is It Just Me?".

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