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Winter season was slowly starting, October was coming to an end and November was just around the corner. The days were starting to go shorter and beautiful and silent winter nights were getting longer. Aks got ready in the new winter uniform that was made compulsory some days ago. He went to class early as always and sat in his usual seat and then his classmates started arriving.

The first person to enter was Pu who saw Aks sitting alone, smiled sheepishly, and went to sit next to him. Aks thought of saying "That's Kun's place" but then he remembered that he had stopped sitting next to him since the last half-yearly exam 2 weeks ago. Pu sat next to him and saw Aks sitting as the world had ended and said "Hey Aks, how are you?". Aks said, "I'm fine". Pu said "You sure? Because to me you look like you are about to cry." before he could reply she continued "Oh god, are you still thinking about those three not talking to you. Come on, they just wanted to get use out of you and when they couldn't and thought you were useless. They left.". Aks listened and went silent. As Pu finished the trio entered the class talking and laughing as always.

They saw both of them and ignored them. This gave Pu more incentive to try to turn Aks away from them and she said "You saw that, now they act like they don't even know you". Aks who was very vulnerable and saddened and just wanted to not feel guilty for screwing up his friendships, started to believe Pu and her little conspiracy theory and tried to think that it wasn't his mistake but theirs. Pu grabbing the opportunity said "I know we haven't got a good start but would you be my friend? I promise I'm not like them." Aks seeing Pu as a good person said "Yeah of course." Then they talked for a bit. After some time Ash entered the class and sat next to Aks. Aks smiled after seeing him as he still liked him. He tried to initiate conversation but their class teacher entered the class with some badges with him. The teacher announced "So class, it's time for an important event in our class: Monitor appointment. I have selected some students and I'll announce your name with your designation and you will come to me to collect your badges."

Everyone in the class fell silent hoping they would get a badge. It wasn't a matter of responsibility or leadership for them it was just a matter of bragging rights, which was very important for these 16-17-year-olds. The teacher started announcing from the lowest position to the highest position first for the girls and then for the boys. Ash became the class energy monitor and Aks to everybody's surprise became deputy class monitor when it came the time to announce the class monitor, their teacher for his own fun paused for a bit and then announced "Your class monitor is.... KUN.". This made both Ash and Aks shocked because they didn't believe him to be any kind of leader or worthy to be class monitor as they thought him to be a goofy joker. But they didn't know him well as they were both new to the school. Kun knew essentially half of the school and he was some teachers' favourite and he had been becoming class monitor for 6 years straight. Kun got up and with a smirk walked up to his teacher got his badge and wore it proudly. Most of the class didn't as they didn't get a badge but his friends clapped for him.Ash and Aks still couldn't believe that fat goofy Kun had become the class monitor. But even though Aks still thought that Kun used and then left him, he wanted his old friends back hoping to be wrong about him being used. And he thought that he would again get close to Kun while doing class duties with him but more than that he loved the fact that he was going to do duties with Ash.

Kun's friends came to congratulate him most of whom were girls, this fact Aks did notice that Kun mixed in with and was friends with more girls than boys. This was indeed true as 85% of Kun's friends were girls. This made some of his male classmates envy him. And even though he had so many "girl friends" but still he was single. When Kun was being congratulated by some only a few people came to congratulate Aks as mostly nobody knew him much and believed him to be too reserved.

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