Excursion of Hearts

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It was the middle of December, Aks was sitting in the bus with Kun by his side. They were going on an excursion trip by the school. The cold was just right with the winter sun creating a nice calming atmosphere. Aks was looking out the window admiring the view of the shining sun on the sweet morning traffic. And he slowly started drift with his thoughts remembering a moment, he longed to experience again, which was Ash holding him tight in his hands. Remembering those tight arms around him made him feel happy. He had now again started to grow his bond with the trio and was again trying on to get close with Ash.

The trip they were going to was being organized by the school to a farmland with many rides, activities and much more exciting stuff. Most of Aks's class was going but Aks nearly didn't go as his father had not permitted him he wanted him to stay at home and study but Aks kept requesting him so in the end his father gave in. He was very excited to go and wanted to have some fun after all he had gone through in the past month.

Kun took out some snacks from his bag and they ate it all up. After that both of them felt like they were gonna puke and started feeling nauseous. Aks had no problem with it because he was sitting next to the window, so he could just look out of it to calm himself but Kun was sitting inside the bus he was feeling hotter and hotter. He saw Ash sitting behind him by the window. He asked to switch places with him so he could sit by the window.

Ash being the stubborn guy he is, became reluctant but after Kun nearly coughed like he was going to puke his lungs out, he agreed. They switched places Ash sat next to Aks and Kun got the window seat. Aks didn't notice it, he was busy admiring the traffic, then sunddenly he turned to talk to Kun and saw Ash sitting next to him, he was flabbergasted and didn't say anything. Ash was talking to his friends. After that he reached to grab snacks from his bag and started devouring them. He offered some to Aks, Aks was still full but just because it was Ash, he ate more with him.

The bus stopped at their destination, and everybody went running to the farms, when they entered it was like a resort and amusement park mixed. They loved it as they were having some fun after a long 8 months of studying giving exams constantly. First, they had breakfast which most of the kids didn't eat as they were full from all the snacking in the bus. Then they were let lose, Aks was with Ash and The Trio. Then Kun ran away to his other friends, who Aks didn't like much. Hritz & Prim got separated from them. Then only him and Ash remained.

They went around the farms to multiple rides and activities like rope climbing, ladders, camel riding, etc. Then they reached the zip-line, it was a high one and first one Aks had seen. He found everybody lined up there because they wanted to get one free ride on the zip-line. They were going in groups of 6. Ash reunited with all Kun, Hritz & Prim there, they all went to the line. All of them were scared especially Kun, he was more scared than any of them. When Ash asked why he looked so worried, he said "I keep thinking the zip-line will break because of my weight". They all laughed at him for it. Aks was scared as well he was very scared of heights. When they reached the top of the tower, they saw that there were two zip-lines where people were being thrown simultaneously. They were deciding who would record them going in the zip-line and chose Kun. Ash and Aks were to be thrown first. When they were released, Aks closed his eyes out of fear, then immediately he heard "Hey, don't close your eyes that ain't fun, look at me, hold my hand and look down". It was Ash encouraging him. He shakily grabbed his hand and then started screaming out excitement or fear even he couldn't tell but he felt great with the rushing wind hitting his face and his grabbed tight with Ash. He loved that feeling, he didn't want it to end. But then he hit a foam wall and stopped. All of them, came down and asked Kun for the video.

But Kun being too excited to be riding on the zip-line and shaking forgot to record the video and they didn't have any video of them going through with the ride. Everybody got angry at him for it, Aks was upset that he wouldn't be able to his beautiful moment again. After this, it was time for lunch. Everybody hungry and tired of the rides went to eat. Aks got his food, then he saw Kun calling him to come join him but he also saw that Kun was sitting with his other friends, Prag, Maya, Ridds, Aysa, Kris, Mak. He didn't want to sit with them mostly because they were girls and he didn't like them much. He then saw Ash sitting with some boys. He sat with them.

While eating he suddenly felt very sick. Like his stomach was churning, he stopped eating and just sat there, he got some soda to help himself digest faster and after drinking he felt better. He burped out loud, which made everybody laugh, feeling embarrassed, he changed his table. Ash followed him and sat next to him. He said while eating "Why did you run away, we weren't gonna make fun of you?", Aks replied "Come on, it was embarrassing". "It was not." Ash implied. Ash continued "Hey, you know that felt good". "The burp" Aks asked. "No, you idiot. The zip-line ride, it made me feel alive." Ash replied. Aks said excitedly "Yeah, I love that, the excitement and me holding your ha-" and stopped realizing what he was about to say. Ash asked "Holding my hand?", Aks said embarrassingly, "Yeah in a way, I liked it". Ash a little confused said "Yeah Right". Aks tried to divert the topic by saying "I'm really enjoying this place". Ash said "Yeah me too, I wish it wasn't this far from home or I would visit every other day". Aks said "No being with friends is making this more fun than visiting alone". Ash said "You are right about that, but you were only with me this whole time weren't you?". Aks replied jokingly, "You are my friend, aren't you?". Ash nodded in agreement. Aks said in a whispering voice "You're more than that".

"Did you say something?", Ash asked. Aks replied with a no. After finishing lunch, they again went on rides. But no many this time as they were full after sometime music started blasting in many places of the farm and people started dancing there. Aks, Kun, Hritz and Prim were just watching them dance. While Ash was dancing wildly, when Ash saw them just standing there, he made it his mission to make all of them dance. He kept dragging them unless they were forced. None of them were much dancers, they looked like stiff statues moving. Then Hritz and Prim, while dancing kept pushing Aks and Ash towards each other. Then Ash forced Aks in a partner dance, Aks didn't want to but now he couldn't back off. They kept dancing and quickly when he found a way out of the crowd of dancing people he took it. He felt good dancing but he was very shy about it.

After a lot of dancing, it was time to go back. None of them wanted to go back, but they had to. Everybody got on the bus, and it started to go back. Aks sitting by the window seat was smiling as wide as he could. He wanted to get closer to Ash then he did. He would hold these memories in his heart forever.

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