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The summer sun was overhead reigning down heat that felt like it could burn you, school was going on as usual for Aks. But this time all the students in his class including Aks were getting impatient for the bell to ring as it was going to be the Physical Education class, where they actually get to have fun instead of just looking at books and keep staring. The bell rang and the teacher left after taking 5 more minutes of the next period, annoying everyone and then they started running out like a horde of zombies hungry for brains.

Aks, Kun, Hritz and Prim were playing Dodge-ball as they usually would, the game was going on when suddenly Aks spotted Ash and he asked the others if he should invite him to play too. With a nasty smirk on his face Kun agreed. Aks went to Ash and said "Hey, wanna play dodge-ball with us?". Ash who was just sitting under a tree agreed as he had nothing else to do. "Yeah, sure" he said. When they came back towards the group Kun told Aks to be the dodger. The game started and Aks got hit at the first go by Prim. Now she had to be the dodger.

Prim was short so she kept dodging the ball really easily, this made the competitive idiot Ash get annoyed and he started playing aggressively. Prim was still fast enough to dodge but once she got distracted by a girl calling her name from the other side of the ground and she missed that Ash threw the ball at her, when she turned around she saw something white coming towards her and the ball hit her on the head. She fell and everybody quickly went to aid her. She sat down on a bench and after a getting her head straight got really angry at Ash and started screaming at him. Ash was really apologetic but a little happy inside that he scored. Aks started justifying Ash out of the blue by saying "Come on, it wasn't his fault that you didn't pay attention." and the three of them got puzzled after seeing him do this. The girl who was calling to Prim came running towards after she saw him get hit. She came to Prim and asked her how she was, Ash standing there apologizing,while Kun and Hritz got Prim an Ice-pack and took Aks aside.

"What was that?" Kun asked, "What was what?" said Aks, "You justifying the idiot even when you saw him doing it intently." Hritz said. Aks started making up excuses. Kun interrupted "If you trying to go on his good side by going against your friends for him, then you are just doing it wrong".  Aks said "I don't know it seemed like the right thing to do, he was apologizing but she keeps screaming at him". "What would you do if somebody hit you hard in the head with a fucking watermelon?" Hritz replied furiously. Aks fell silent and then he apologized. They went back to Prim, "How's your head now?" Aks asked. "Its fine" Prim replied. "Hey guys, Pu wants to play too?" Prim asked pointing towards the girl sitting beside her. Hritz said "Is that why she was calling you?". Pu interrupted "Yeah, I was getting bored, so I saw you nerds playing and thought I should join." Kun said "Who are you calling a nerd bi.." before Kun could finish what he was saying Prim stopped him and said "Yeah come join us". Kun didn't want to play with her but he did it anyway for Prim. Now there were six players, so they divided into three teams of two in which one team would dodge and two would throw. The team were Hritz and Prim, Kun and Aks, Ash and Pu.

The game started again and went on without any fight or injuries this time until the end of the period. When the period ended, Aks face was shining with the sun rays and sweat, it looked like he was a princess in an animated movie. When Ash saw his face he got that weird feeling in his heart again. This time he felt attracted like a magnet, he went towards him and said "Hey, you play pretty well dude". Aks nervously said "Th..Thanks" and went towards class while talking with their usual demeanor, both without knowing what other felt about him. Where Aks saw Ash as the guy he wanted to have, Ash saw Aks as friend whom he liked more than others. The trio (Kun, Hritz and Prim) looking at them kept grinning as they knew all about it and how there plans might be working to bring the both of them closer.

Pu was jealous while seeing them together because she felt like she could use Aks's intelligence and academic excellence to herself and get some use out of him by being a good friend and she tried to give him a lot of attention so he would notice her. But Aks being Aks didn't care about anyone else other than his four friends. Aks since he had joined school 2 months ago had been getting slowly famous as the news of him being intelligent and the math teachers son slowly spread across class. He blew away the competition during the periodic tests and many kids started hording him for answers, he became quite the star in the class, he liked the attention but didn't like his classmates much. He was quite arrogant about it too. Pu was the one constantly asking him questions and doubts that bothered like he was some sort of machine that spit out answers, Kun didn't like her very much as is and this made her more annoying to him as he could see through her facade of being nice and asking questions. Aks liked the company of Hritz, Prim, Kun and of course Ash but others not very much. Pu thought of dating Aks so she could get a hold him better and was trying to do it for some time.

The next day was Sunday and also Hritz birthday, she held a party in a musical cafe near the school for her close friends. The whole group came and they started singing karaoke but Pu also coincidentally went to the same cafe. She came in the cafe as they were singing and after seeing them thought of getting close them through the party. She asked if she could join them as she was alone. Hritz being really happy accepted her request to the other's dismay but didn't want to deny the birthday girl. They were doing two people karaoke and Pu forcefully pulled Aks with her to sing and as Aks started to sing nervously with Pu, Ash came in, he saw what was going on and sat beside Kun. Turned out that the trio had invited Ash without Aks knowledge and they were thinking of making them sing together and that's why Kun and Prim were more annoyed by Pu's presence. When the cake was ready, Kun, Aks, Ash and Prim sang Happy Birthday on the karaoke for Hritz while Pu was sitting aside as she didn't really care. After cake cutting, they started doing karaoke again. This time they asked Ash to pick a singing partner, when he chose Hritz she made an excuse that she had a sore throat, he picked Pu and she straight out refused and then he chose Aks who sat their shyly not moving a muscle Kun pushed him to sing and whispered in his ear "this is your moment..". Aks slowly got up and picked up the mic the trio started clapping. Ash asked Aks to choose the song but he was too froze, Kun getting annoyed by this went to the stage and selected a romantic song for them. Aks became anxious and started refusing that he didn't want to sing, just a then Ash put his hand on Aks shoulder and said "Come on, don't you wanna have fun?". Aks slowly agreed and started singing the slower parts, both of them had terrible singing voices but they both were enjoying themselves and the trio was grinning in smirks and giggles. Pu getting irritated by this left furiously, which made them laugh.

When it was evening they started to leave the cafe, Prim and Hritz bid the boys farewell went together to their home as they lived near each other and Kun, Aks and Ash started going towards the bus stop. When they reached the stop, they were sitting there talking, Ash and Kun were doing the talking while Aks sat silently. Kun went to get some water and Ash was sitting next to Aks and he said "I had fun with you today, Aks. More than I have with others. You are quite fun when you get the gist of it. I like that about you. Guys like you are really great friends." This made Aks very happy, "You are great too, I love your fun-loving attitude and your confidence and you look soooo good." he said smiling. Ash was taken aback by this as he thought Aks would stay silent but then he smiled. Kun came back and seeing Aks smiling he knew something was up. Ash's bus came and he waved them goodbye. Kun asked Aks what happened and he told him about it and Kun started grinning, he had never seen Aks this excited before. Aks's bus came he hugged him goodbye, this was a shock for Kun because of Aks's aversion to touching but he realized it's all because of that small compliment from Ash and He caught his bus got to home.

On the way he kept thinking about the party and how he had fun with his friends their. Kun realized that Aks could have a chance with Ash because he had sensed the attraction between them like fate setting up a knot. 

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