New Year Old Worries

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After the wild and memorial excursion, the winter holidays started. The schools went dead silent like empty forests and houses became noiseholes like zoos. Aks lazily got up from his bed and took a deadly shower in the cold winter morning. He was had been bored since the holidays began as there were not much to do in the house. All his friends shared that sentiment. It was New Years Eve and he was excited for it, he was going to go to a new year's party which was his favourite as he could meet relatives he liked and bitch about the relatives he hated with them. It was great experience and he looked forward to enjoying it.

He was laying on the couch playing games on his phone when he suddenly got a text from Kun saying "Nerdy Bastard!!!". He paused to read it correctly and then texted back saying "Uhm... what did i do?". Kun called him while laughing his ass off. He said "I was playing Dares with Hritz and Prim. Prim dared me to text that to you." "What's Dares?" Aks asked. Kun replied "Its kinda like Truth and Dare but we only do dare and whoever doesn't complete the dare gets punished." "Well then, whats the punishment?" Aks asked eagerly.

"You get three slaps added to your account, which the person who gave you the dare can claim anytime they want, with no warning." Kun replied. Aks said "I wanna play too" "YOU TOO!" Kun replied continuing with "Why does everyone we tell this about wanna play. I think everyone in our class is playing it, like it isn't that good and the punishment is harsh, dude." "That's because everyone's bored and will do anything to cure there boredom." Aks replied. Kun said "That's fair. Well if you wanna play let me tell you the rule. The dare should be plausible and possible so don't tell anyone to jump of thier roof or something like that" "Do you believe me to be that crazy?" Aks asked, Kun replied "No, but just saying."

Kun told Aks "Now you can play, so first I'll dare you send me a video of you playing eating schezwan sauce, a spoonful. You have 5 minutes." and then he cut the call for dramatic effect. Aks was relieved on hearing the dare as he had high spice tolerance so a spoonful of schezwan was nothing for the chilli eating monster. He immediately completed the dare and sent a video to Kun, who got shocked as he thought that Aks didn't like spicy stuff like him. Aks texted him "Dare complete. Now my turn!" he thought about a good dare for a bit and then continued "Send me a video of you eating a dry red chilli raw in 2 minutes." suprisingly Kun sent the video immediately literally too immediately to even be able to record a 30 second video. Kun then texted "Did you think I haven't gotten this dare before you, be original man, I have the video saved. You didn't say the video should be me eating it rn. XD". Being outsmarted by each other they played the game some more and even dared Hritz and Prim. It was great way for him relieve his boredom and the dares given out were pretty funny and interesting.

Then Hritz got an idea to Dare Aks and texted in their groupchat "Aks I dare you to Confess your feelings to Ash." Both Kun and Prim gasped at the dare and texted shocked reactions while Aks fell silent. Kun sensing that texted "Come on do it, what could go wrong?" Aks replied "Everything duh!" and then Prim replied "Nothing confess, if he says then its great, if he refuses just say you were dared to text it." "That's Genius!" Hritz replied. After constant nagging and threats about the hard slaps he would get Aks finally gave in and texted "Fine I'll do it but what should I say?" Kun replied "Whatever your mind feels like. You like that idiot not us, we can review for you though."

Aks made a text saying "Hey Ash, I just wanted to say since I saw you I have been attracted towards you. I like you very much and when you held my hand that day, it made me go wild. Will you be my boyfriend?" He showed it to his friends and Kun texted "Its good" Prim replied "Kinda weird but good enough, i guess" Hritz just sent a thumbs up emoji. After mustering up courage, he decided to send it to Ash and very hesitantly with his fingers trembling and overthinking what would happen he pressed send. Ash immediately blue ticked and blocked him! with no reply. Scared and shocked, Aks immediately deleted the message thinking Ash blocked him instead of saying anything. And then told his friends about it. They were all shocked. They tried to calm him down but he just wasn't calming down. He kept thinking "What have I done, I ruined it, now he won't even be my friend he will distance himself from me. I am going to lose Ash!" 

He was getting anxious and stayed tense, no matter how much anybody tried to calm him. He became very sad on the thought of losing Ash. It was like glitter gone from his life. He didn't know what to do. Even at the party, where he had lots of fun. He stayed silent sitting in a corner nearly sobbing kept thinking why did he confess, getting slapped would have been better for him. But he was drowning in sadness holding his tears in the public.

He went to sleep crying and woke up feeling melancholy, it was new year but for him it wasn't a happy one, he had old worries to manage. The stress he always had that he won't find love that he craved. He got a text from Kun saying "Happy New Year Aks, I hope you have a great one and get everything you want." "I lost it just Yesterday" Aks replied. He kept getting motivating text from the Trio but he ignored them. And went on with his sad day.

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Hello Loyal Readers, I just want to apologize for such a long wait but I couldn't do anything about it. I had college entrance exams after my finals. But now I'm happy to tell you people that I'll be back on schedule and there won't be much delays from now on. Until then keep reading and supporting.

- Yours Truly, Kunal

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