The Test

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It was the month of September, and the half-yearly tests were going to start in just a few days. Everyone in Aks' friend group was studying hard, except of course two people, Aks, who didn't need to study because he had learned it already and Ash, who just didn't care for it, he just thought he would cheat off of someone enough to pass. Ash first thought of cheating from Kun as he was great at studying and Kun did help everyone cheat in exams like a cheating god but then he realized that he would be sitting quite far away from Kun, which would make it difficult. And then he had another idea.

Aks was lying just studying in front of his dad as he did every day. Then his phone rang, it was Ash himself, he got really excited to see that had Ash called him. But he couldn't pick up the call as his father was sitting right beside him. His father rejected the call and Aks went back to studying. After some time his father went into his room to do some work. Aks seeing his chance immediately called Ash again, who took time to pick up the call, making Aks think that he had gotten angry.

Ash answered after some time and said "Hey!", "Hi, How's it going?" Aks replied. "So, instead of beating around the bush, I want to say it straight up." said Ash, "What is it?" Aks replied. "Can you help me cheat in the exams?" Ash asked, "I don't let anyone cheat from me." said Aks "We won't even be sitting in the same exam halls.". "How do you know that?" Ash interrupted, and suddenly he remembered that Aks wasn't any normal student, his father was a teacher in their school, so he knew a lot of stuff that teachers shared. And Aks in a way to not let Ash down offered a different kind of help, he said "But just for you, I'll send you the question papers for the exams as soon as I get them." Ash who was flabbergasted by what he just heard said "You will do that?" and Aks said "For you anything!". This really creeped out Ash but he was still happy that he was going to get the question papers, so he didn't show it. He thanked Aks and cut the call.

Aks was thinking of talking more with Ash but he was interrupted by the cut call, he thought of calling again but then his father came back in the room and he couldn't call again.

After a few days, the day just before the exam, he got into the teacher's chat group on his father's phone and sent the question paper for the first exam to Ash. Ash saw the question, replied with a thumbs up and heart emoji then logged off. Aks tried to create small talk and they talked for a bit after Aks was talking to his friends Kun, Hritz, and Prim in the chat group, they were talking about how much each of them had studied for the exam. Aks was done and revising, Kun had done everything but was doubting himself, and Hritz and Prim were just halfway done. Then suddenly Kun said, "Hey Aks, since you are a teacher's child, wouldn't you have the question papers for the exams?". Aks paused for a minute and thought if he should give his friends the question papers too. But he rooted against it as to him it wasn't important. He lied and said "No, my father doesn't let me near his phone or I would've used it myself and sent it to you too." The trio didn't believe it that much but thought he may be telling the truth as he had no reason to lie. But for Aks, he did have a motive to lie which was letting Ash know he cared about him and he was special to him that didn't even help his own friends, who were with him from the start just for him. He thought that it was a very good idea in his head.

They talked for some more time about how Kun was going to help everyone with cheating in exams and he made a plan he called Time Crunch. He always did this in exams so that he could complete his exam and also everybody else's. The plan was that first he would complete his paper as soon as possible with no interruptions and after that all remaining time, he would give answers to only MCQs to people far away and big answers to people near him. Kun was very proficient at this strategy and everybody liked him for it. Kun also loved exam time because that was the only time anybody showed importance or interest in talking to him. Then, they went to sleep.

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