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It was a cold winter Sunday morning, and Aks was out for a walk to relax. He had been going for walks a lot lately to admire nature and get distracted from his problems. He got a call from Pu as he was about to reach back to his house. He stopped and rejected the call as he was still angry at her, suddenly rain started pouring down, with all the might of Zeus. He ran for his apartment building to get shelter but still, he got completely soaked in the process. The next day, he went to school like normal.

 In between classes, he talked to Ash and Ash noticed that he was coughing a lot so he asked Aks "Are you okay? Looks like you got a fever". "Oh! I just got soaked in the rain yesterday" Aks replied. And then gradually his cough became aggressive and Aks started feeling fatigued.During recess, while standing in front of the blackboard, he suddenly collapsed and became unconscious. Kun and Ash hurried to him, "we have to get him to the medical room" Kun said worrying. Ash picked him up in his arms and took him there. Aks woke up still unable to move he realized that he was in Ash's arms held tightly, he couldn't say anything, he felt like words weren't even coming from his mouth. When the three reached the medical room, the nurse tried to see what was wrong with Aks, he became unconscious again and she called the hospital. Ash and Kun started to realize that it was much more than just normal tiredness or fever.

When Aks woke up, he was in a hospital bed with his mom and dad sitting next to him. He tried to talk but his throat had very strong pain, whenever he tried to talk. His parents noticed and asked him if he was okay, and he nodded with a no. When the doctor came, his father asked her about what happened to Aks. The doctor told them that he had contracted pneumonia, which was why he was very feverish and fatigued. He told the doctor that his throat had pain too and she replied that was because he also had a throat infection for some time which had gotten worse due to the weakened immune system from the pneumonia. Aks got pretty scared because of this he kept thinking that he was going to die. He got very stressed again. After a few hours of lying in bed scared and bored, the nurse told him that he had visitors if he wanted to meet them.

He wondered who they would be, and told the nurse to let them in. It was Ash and Pu, he got really happy upon seeing Ash but very keen to see Pu as he was still angry at her. Ash gave him a fist bump and asked how he was, Aks said that he was alright but he was still feeling and had a very pain in his throat. Pu noticed that he was ignoring her and said "Hey, look at me. Don't act like I'm not here. It's been some time forget about all that". "Don't get started again" Aks said, Ash told them both to shut up and forget about all of it. Aks wasn't very keen on forgetting.

After some continuous days of staying in the hospital and getting visited by his friends and family, Aks slowly forgave Pu and started talking to her again. But the highlight of his day was always when Ash visited him. He acted like a puppy seeing his owner. His condition worsened after 2 weeks to the point that his throat had sharp pains constantly and he couldn't even eat or drink. 

His throat had to be operated on because the infection had spread and if it had not been treated quickly, he wouldn't have been able to talk for the rest of his life. After the operation was successful he was put in the hospital for two more weeks. And slowly he started getting better and his pain went away. His pneumonia was treated too. He kept having visitors. He always wondered if The trio would ever visit him, and when they didn't he got very sad. He started thinking that they hated him so much that they didn't even care even though he was in a hospital with bad health. He then got angry about them being very selfish not caring about a classmate even a little bit. Then after he was discharged from the hospital, he was on bed rest for two more days of the weekend. The next day he went to school fully recovered and excited to be with his friends. 

When he entered the class, he suddenly got a group hug from the back at first he thought it was Ash and Pu but he saw them sitting in the class, he turned around and it was Hritz and Prim. He was at first shocked and then delighted to see them. "Are you alright now, we missed you a lot and we had been waiting for you to come back to school" Hritz said, "Yeah, you had us dead stressed about you" Prim added. Then Pu hearing all this with a quirky smile said, "Then why didn't you visit him, when he was in the hospital? We did". Aks said "Yeah, why didn't you?" with a somewhat angry face. They heard a distant voice say, "Well, not all of us coddled idiots whose parents let them go everywhere and be a hoe, Pu". It was Kun, Pu got stingy, then Kun turned to Aks and said "Welcome back buddy, we missed you, we did want to visit you but you know our parents didn't allow it". Aks smiled.

Then all three of them stood in front of him and Prim said, "So when Kun saw you lying unconscious on the bed, he got really worried and was very saddened. He came to us later and told us that we should forget about all the exams and answer sheets crap, sure he did try to leave us for Ash but we should give him another chance. I have noticed he has been miserable since that time and after the suspension thing. I don't want to keep him that way, after seeing him like that I just can't. We agreed to him". Aks was a little bit teary after hearing that. Then Kun said, "So... do you wanna be friends again?". Aks started sobbing from happiness and Hritz said "Here he goes again, with that crying face" and they all laughed about it. Then Ash approached them from the back and talked to Aks and the group. And then their day started going on as normal, playing, having fun, and everything else. When the day ended and he reached home. He realized something terrifying.

Aks remembered that he had missed 4 weeks of school and he had to do it or the work would pile up later, the teachers would give him time to complete it but how would he because he didn't even know what had happened in school. He called Ash to ask for the work of 4 weeks and being the lazy ass he was hadn't done anything and didn't even remember what had been taught. Then he texted Kun for help and in just a few minutes he got 4 weeks' worth of PDF files that he had made. Aks was shocked by the amount of work he had to do but even more so by why Kun had the PDFs of classwork and homework. He asked him about it and Kun replied "I keep em just for situations like these, if anyone needs to complete their work and as a backup for myself too."

Aks was delighted that he wouldn't need to scavenge through everyone to get work, he thanked Kun and promised to give him a treat the next day. He got to work but before he went on the nature walk that he had gone to for a whole month. It was again a relaxing moment for him but this time it was not to relieve his stress but to enjoy his experience. Aks while walking thinking maybe his getting sick wasn't that bad of a deal, if everything worked out better for him than before. It was a truly astonishing month for him.

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