Scott POV

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I was showing Jimmy 'The book of prophecies' when i heard a kncok on the door. Without putting the book down I went to the door, as soon as I was about to open it, Erin came tumbling down the stairs. Jimmy came sprinting through the coridoor, startled by the crash. I turned around checking that Erin and Jimmy were ok, then i opened the door.

I saw my old friend, Dehliliah, waiting there. I dropped the book in suprise. I hadn't seen her in years, since my corrination to be exact. I leaned down grabbing the book, frost instantly spreading across the cover. 

I suddenly had the feeling that Erin was going to do something to Jimmy, so i quickly turned around yelling "ERIN DO NOT HURT JIMMY!" 
Out of the corner of my eye i could see Erin rolling her eyes and Jimmy looking frigtened and worried.

I turned back around now facing Dehliliah, she looked a tad concerned. To be fair i did just ask my sister not to murder someone, so it's understandable.

We stood there for a minute before i broke the very awkward silence by saying "Hello Dehliliah, What are you doing in Rivendell? I thought you moved?" 

She replied "Hii Scott, I am visiting Rivendell to see my Grandma this weekend but i was also thinking as i am in the area i can meet up with you! And we can discuss important matters as we havent seen each other in years." 

I don't know why but it took me a second to process what  she was saying, before i ended up saying "Come in!" 

I stepped out of the way and she walked inside. She looked confused when she saw Erin and Jimmy, so I introduced them! "This is Erin and Jimmy. Erin is my sister and Jimmy is my boyfriend. Guys this is Dehliliah, one of my old friends from when i was younger..." 

I was cut off by Jimmy saying "Scott i am really sorry but i promised Lizzie i would meet up with her around now-ish, Hopefully i can see you soon!" He gave me a quick kiss then left.

Erin was gving Dehiliah a death stare and i swear i saw one of her hands wrap around her dagger. 
I quickly stood between them before things could escalate. Erin, was annoyed so, stormed off to her room. I felt the feathers on my wings ruffle, even though there was no breeze. 

I took Dehliliah to my room, putting the book down on my bed. I asked "So what has been happening with your life recently?"

Dehliliah answered, with a slight accent i couldnt put my finger on, "Me and my parents have been staying to ourselves recently, my sister isnt that well at the moment so we are mainly looking after her. Have you heard that the demon has been..." 
She trailed off when she saw the Xornoth crystal around my neck.

I sighed then explained "For me ALOT of things have happened. 
1st - I found out the demon, Xornoth, was my brother and Erin was my sister.
2nd - I gained ice powers
3rd - Me and Erin started a war against the other empires and we lost and got sent to court. Erin had to flee and then ended up trying to free Xornoth and now here we are! I think that's the main things that has happened. I may have accidentally missed out a couple things, but yea."

I could pratically see the cogs whirring inside her brain, to be fair that is a lot to process. I just stayed silent letting her process all of this infomation.

Alterate Ending to The Major Series by @Rainyjoi2009Where stories live. Discover now