Chapter 1

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It was a rainy morning the day that Victoria returned, but Penelope didn't mind the first half and didn't know about the latter. She was relaxing in her car before school began, listening to the tapping of rain on the car roof and the stirrings of branches colliding in the wind.

She scrolled on her phone mindlessly, occasionally checking the time. She didn't want to be late to school. While she could have gone in already - the school always opened early for teachers to have conferences and tutoring sessions with students - she didn't want to get too wet and hoped the rain would subside soon.

Her plans for dryness were interrupted when her phone buzzed. Penelope checked who the text was from. Chris. It was definitely worth checking on, unlike Sarah, who always wanted her answers from chem but was never capable of giving her own back to Penelope.

Chris had sent a me-moji with pleading eyes. "Can u come in?" He had texted.

"Why?" Penelope typed.

It took less than a second for him to reply. "We have to talk about the newest episode."

She instantly knew what he was talking about. Penelope's eyes widened. Murders and Me had a new episode out? And she hadn't heard about it? She checked their page and they certainly did. This is what I deserve for disabling notifications, she thought to herself.

"I haven't watched it yet," she replied.

"HERESY!!" He replied, sending a gif of a crusader with glowing red eyes.

"I'll watch it now," she promised.

"You can watch it and I'll rewatch it," he corrected.

"Is it really that good?"

"Do you really need to ask that question with Murders and Me?"

"Coming in."

Penelope turned around and grabbed her umbrella out of the backseat. She slung her arm through the arm strap of the backpack on her passenger seat and grabbed her keys from the cupholder.

She extended the tiny umbrella before she opened the car door. When she did, the rain rushed at her, and she held the umbrella as if it were a shield to combat the aggressive September rain.

She stepped out into a puddle. Luckily, it was not deep enough to soak through her black dress shoes. She hated the feeling of wet socks, and taking wet socks off was not an option at a private school with a dress code.

She honked the car, and quickly rushed in. She weaved through the snail's pace carpool line and underneath the overhang, and then into the school.

Valley of Death Academy was the only private school available for those whose parents for some reason or another did not like public school. It was over two hundred years old, and honestly looked more like part of a college than a combined middle and high school. Everything was made of weathered red-brown brick, besides the newer overhang which was made of wood and a black tarp.

Her school was two stories and shaped like a square. The front end contained the gym, cafeteria, and offices. The left was the STEM wing, the right the humanities, and in the back the library. Not too far from the back, through a club-maintained garden, was the chapel.

During sunny days, everyone gathered in the courtyard, sitting in the tiered grass layers of the outdoor auditorium which sometimes became flooded with water during harsh rains, and which was rarely used for anything. But on rainy days such as this one, everyone gathered in the cafeteria, or in their favorite teacher's room.

Penelope realized she had no clue where Chris would be. They usually hung out in three rooms: the library, her language arts teacher's room, and the cafeteria. She sent him a quick text, and he replied that he was in the cafeteria.

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