Chapter 22

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It was a week later, and Penelope was being called into the principal's office. Again. This time, she knew what it was for. It was for the investigation of the egging and prank-ery that happened to the church just a few nights ago.

Penelope had a solid alibi though - she was scrolling her phone in bed. It'd have her location set as her home.

This wasn't a trick that Chris had set up or something that the elderly principal would take at face value like last time. She had genuinely been at home, though she was on call with Victoria, giving her instructions on where to throw the eggs.

She couldn't lie to herself - it was satisfying to see the building that she was forced to sit in for once a week for the past five or so years defaced. Every egg thrown repayment for every hour, every toilet paper roll uncoiled like rain whenever she was forced to escort the younger children under her umbrella on rainy days.

As soon as Victoria had finished, she shadow-teleported back into Penelope's room. She was exhausted from teleporting so much, so she curled up on Penelope's floor on a mattress of blankets. They said I love yous to eachtoher and went to sleep.

Penelope and Victoria didn't say anything like that as they met each other outside of the principal's office. "This again," Victoria drily, irritatedly said.  "Wonder what it could be." She gave a slight, shy grin to Penelope, before quickly covering it as the door swung open.

"Victoria, come in," the principal said. Victoria entered the room, and the door swung closed.

Penelope tapped her leg, her nails digging into her leg as she waited for Victoria to emerge. Finally, she did, and gave Penelope a thumbs up as she swiftly paced out of the office hallway and into the main one.

Penelope stood and entered the principal's room. She sat down in the chair, as she had previously, as the old lady slowly closed the door behind her and went to go sit in her own. As with last time, she had a large, manilla folder which she flipped through the various pages of before she started to talk.

"As you know, a few nights ago, the campus church was defaced," Principal Marryanne Hapthy began. "Seeing as you recently had to serve community service there, I was wondering if you knew anything about it."

"I don't talk a lot with other students, besides Chris and Victoria. But if I had to guess, it's a senior prank. Or the kids from the public school, you know what they're like," Penelope told her.

"Where were you last night, and where were you a week before that night?" The Principal asked.

The first question, Penelope understood. But the second one seemed strange. Had anything happened during that night?

Yes, that was the night the camera went up. That meant that the Principal had known about the camera. But no one had been informed about it, strangely enough. The school always kept parents informed on those sorts of things.

"Last night, I was on my phone most of the night," Penelope said. "I don't know what I was doing a week ago to yesterday. I have a suspicion that I may have been sleeping as well."

The principal let in a ragged, shaky breath. She's on to me. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I called your parents then," the Principal continued.

"No. Not at all."

Sure enough, the Principal pecked in the numbers on her ancient desk phone and dialed them up. They talked for a few minutes until the Principal bid them a good day and set the phone back on its rest.

"You may return to class," the Principal said.

Penelope swiftly rose from her chair, pushed it back into place, and opened the door. She slid out from the room, threw her bag over her shoulder, and made her escape, through the office hall, past the receptionist, and into the main hallway.

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