Chapter 5

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If someone likes gym class, they are either lying, or are someone who has way too much energy. Energy likely used to bully people.

That was Penelope's philosophy, and it hadn't failed her once. Since sixth grade, more and more students seemed to dislike gym class. There was even a petition at one point that had, unfortunately, failed. The only people who still liked gym class were the bullies. Even the athletes hated it now, wanting to reserve their energy for their sport.

Penelope was not having a fun Monday. It was too hot, and the AC system in her ancient car was unable to keep up, meaning that she was sweaty by the time she made it to school. And she had forgotten her religion homework as well. Luckily, Mr Baker had given her an extension. But she doubted that she would get an extension on doing something in gym class.

The gym area was the newest area in the school, with white brick walls that were smooth and overwhelmingly cold. It had bleachers and a scoreboard, for whenever the school hosted an athletic event. Penelope had never bothered to go to one. Valley of Death always lost.

Penelope made her way into the locker rooms and got changed. She did it in a corner. That way, she wouldn't be looking at any of the other girls. Though she was not out, so they had not forced her to, she had decided not to change near them. This was out of respect for them, and also for her own slight grievances with her own body.

She got changed into the school's required gym uniform - black pants or shorts and red shirt. Fortunately, one did not have to buy it through the school store and instead could bring it from home. If they had to buy it through the store, chances were that it would be upcharge at least 50%, and look unflattering on at least 75% of students, with a lucky few being able to make it work by using the "hairtie" method.

Once she was done changing, she folded up her school uniform neatly and put it into the metal locker. She didn't want to get stared at because of wrinkles. She then made sure to lock her locker, checking it twice. She had once forgotten to lock it completely, and came back to lotion all over her clothes. Her mother had to drive in new clothes.

A bug tried to land on her, and she slapped it. Her hand came away black, so she went to the connected bathroom to wash it off. She noticed Victoria coming out of one of the stalls, now in a gym uniform.

She wondered if Victoria was changing in the bathroom for the same reason that she changed in a corner. She wondered if the reason was because of Heidi's theory. Victoria's eyes met hers. She was staring. She looked away.

She trailed Victoria out of the locker rooms and into the gym. She took her assigned seat in the bleachers where they were to wait until the ten minutes were up. There were already a few girls out there.

The gym classes at Valley of Death were, unsurprisingly, divided by gender. That meant that a few things flew in gym class that would not fly in the main part of school, like directly mentioning your period or cussing. Or maybe that was just because their coach, Coach Andres, was so relaxed.

Coach Andres rounded up the stragglers in the locker room and started up the class. She had brown, fuzzy hair kept in a ball around her head. She wore a grey jacket and grey sweatpants. Penelope was certain she was the only teacher who was allowed to wear that, and she wondered how the coach had gained the privilege.

"Today, we are going to be playing tournament dodgeball!" Students looked around excitedly. "With assigned teams," she continued. Students looked around less excitedly, and more expectantly.

"Team one.." she began to rattle off names. Heidi was placed on team two. Aubrey with two of her friends on team three. They let out excited squeals and took each others hands upon the call.

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