Chapter 20

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Chris, Penelope, and Victoria arrived early in the morning to school.

In fact, it was 3AM. And they were not there legally. They were there to put up a trailcam.

Victoria had tried to shadow teleport Chris and Penelope onto campus, but that had failed - either they weighed too much, or living things couldn't be transported. So, instead, Chris picked up Penelope, who had escaped through her window, and parked two lots over, in a lot which had no security cameras.

They snuck in the back way, through the woods that bordered the chapel. They snuck around the exterior. Penelope and Chris guided each other through the darkness with the dull glow of their phone cameras, while Victoria was able to see just from the light of the moon.

Their breaths were puffs of cloud in the night. It was chilly, so cold that Penelope could feel it deep in her bones. But she knew that she still had the warmth of being alive - the vampire's victims did not. So she continued on for their sake, instead of retreating to the sort, warm haven of her bed.

They knew no one would be around, but that didn't mean they weren't keeping quiet. They walked softly, making sure that they didn't step on twigs, or broken glass. Eventually, they made it to the front of the chapel.

"We should put the camera somewhere people won't notice it unless they are looking," Penelope said. "I think in the hedges could be a good place."

"The hedges might obscure the lens. I think that the best option would be to palace it high up," Victoria replied.

Penelope looked at the trees around them. They were shedding their leaves for winter. "The camera won't be good enough obscured due to leaves falling," Penelope told her.

"Maybe we could put it on the ledge," Chris said, pointing up to where one of the windows was inlaid on the building around ten feet up. There was a large bird nest there, which had been there for at least two years.

"We can use the nest to cover it. Great idea," Penelope said. "But how do we get up there?"

Victoria scrunched her face, and brought her hand in a Y shape under her chin. "Hm. I might be able to teleport onto the ledge."

"Bats, that's three inches of space. You might get hurt," Penelope cautioned.

The dark haired girl shrugged. "I'm a vampire. Pain means nothing to me."

"Wait, didn't you run up my wall that one day? Maybe, you could do that again," Penelope remembered.

"I had a good space to build up speed. The garden blocks me here. But I can try," Victoria said.

She backed up to the hedge, a good twenty feet away from the window. She crouched slightly, leaning back on her heel. Then, she sprang into a sprint. She did a few kicks up the wall, and knocked down the bird's nest.

They encapsulated the camera in the bird's nest. Victoria tried to put up the bird's nest again on her own, but it fell off. So she ended up letting Penelope stand on her shoulders and place the nest on the ledge.

Their mission complete, the three headed home. Penelope laid in her bed, and, exhausted, was quickly consumed by sleep.

That sleep didn't last too long, because, soon enough, she had to get up for school. She was still exhausted from the night before, so she made herself some coffee before setting out for school.

She kept on yawning in her first two classes. Her eyes kept on closing, and every time they stayed closed for longer. She wasn't sure if she was going to be able to make it through the whole day.

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